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Delbert David is the editor in chief of The Tech Trend. He accepts all the challenges in the content reading and editing. Delbert is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging content marketing.

581 Articles1593 Comments
How Will 5G Effect The Finance Industry

How Will 5G Effect The Finance Industry?

5G technology is poised to help banks and other finance companies deliver new, innovative mobile solutions consumers want. The Low latency, high information...

6 Personal Finance Apps For The Success Of Your Business

6 Personal Finance Apps For The Success Of Your Business

Earlier this season, the IRS delayed Tax Day To Wednesday, July 15th. That usually means that the typical promises companies and individuals make...

Is Bitcoin Soaring, IF Yes Then Why

Is Bitcoin Soaring, IF Yes Then Why?

Bitcoin is soaring. For a crypto coin that saw many extremes–scaling Its revival and continuing expansion– is extraordinary. Let us trace the reason...

Applying Big Data And The Power Of Markets To Resolve Climate Change
Big Data

Applying Big Data And The Power Of Markets To Resolve Climate Change

The newspaper revealed a doubling of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations — that in our current do-nothing speed, we will reach sometime in...

How Conventional Companies Can Use AI And Machine Learning To Boost Better Products
Machine Learning

How Conventional Companies Can Use AI And Machine Learning To Boost Better Products

Perhaps you have noticed how accurate Netflix’s recommendations are to your taste? And how is Google Maps so confident I am going home,...

The Strength Of Artificial Intelligence Vs. The Strength Of Human Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

The Strength Of Artificial Intelligence Vs. The Strength Of Human Intelligence

The most immediate benefit of artificial intelligence (AI) for business is clear: it’s a huge opportunity for increased productivity. Gartner recently calculated that...

Here Is The Ways To Manage Your Remote Employee's Device Security

Here Is The Ways To Manage Your Remote Employee’s Device Security

One of the biggest consequences of COVID-19 for enterprises beyond 2020 is going to be the acceleration of the trend to working the...

Future Of Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management

What Is The Future Of Supply Chain Management?

What Is The Time To Come Of Supply Chain Management? In recent years, the growth of artificial intelligence (AI), big data and increased...

If You Want to Succeed, Plan to Fail
Growth Strategies

If You Want to Succeed, Plan to Fail

As an entrepreneur, that’s exactly how you should operate. Nobody ever expects to neglect, but if you are not prepared for this, you...

A Brief Guide To Building Successful Mobile Apps
Software Development

A Quick Guide To Building Successful Mobile Apps

Possessing an incredible, out-of-the-box, jaw-dropping mobile program idea is one thing. Executing it is another. As we speak, tens of thousands of companies...