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Delbert David is the editor in chief of The Tech Trend. He accepts all the challenges in the content reading and editing. Delbert is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging content marketing.

581 Articles1593 Comments
What is wrong in an Artificial intelligence factory
Artificial Intelligence

What is Wrong in an Artificial Intelligence Factory

Should you follow the information on artificial intelligence, you will discover two diverging threads. The press and theatre often portray AI using human...

Apple will release Airpods in two small size soon

Apple will Release Airpods in Two Small Size Soon

Apple might have just established the AirPods Max, but it might seem Apple is now doing the task on the upcoming addition to...

Best Financial Resolutions in this New Year 2021

Best Financial Resolutions in this New Year 2021

The last year has been filled with ups and downs, and the exact same could be said regarding the marketplace. It’s through these...

grow your business
Growth Strategies

4 Skills You Should Have Learned in 2020 to Grow Your Business

The planet is changing quickly. Back in 2001, many small companies did not even have sites. In 2011, you had to telephone restaurants...

small business
Big Data

How Small Businesses Can Budget in Next Year 2021

Creating a business budget for the new year is challenging when it’s not clear when the pandemic will end. Here’s how to budget...

for selected customers

Restoration of Tesla for selected customers free premium internet in-car

Tesla currently reserves a number of its in-car internet features for paying subscribers, but it may be making an exception for some owners....

The Top Blockchain Trends of 2020 that You Need to Know About

The Top Blockchain Trends of 2020 that You Need to Know About

The year is just over the mid-point, also you might have noticed that the hype for blockchain and dispersed ledger technologies hasn’t cooled...

Unemployment Some Steps To Avoid A Tax Bill Next Year

Unemployment? Some Steps To Avoid A Tax Bill Next Year

With more than one in 10 employees currently jobless, many Americans are based on unemployment benefits as a financial crutch to get them...

6 Awesome Android Games That Are Free To Play

6 Most Popular Android Games That Are Free To Play

Most of us recognize that free Android games are not always free nowadays, but a number of them are quite close in case...

Two companies engaged in Data scraping Operations After Facebook appealing

Two companies engaged in Data scraping Operations After Facebook appealing

The operation extended across Facebook properties, including the two Facebook and Instagram, as well as other large websites and solutions, such as Twitter,...