Software Development

Top 10 Programming Languages to Become an AI Developer

Top 10 Programming Languages to Become an AI Developer

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been experiencing a period of extreme expansion after being stagnant for several years.

A career course in AI has come to be a very attractive alternative for people interested in data science and software technology, together with the requirement for AI skilled professionals raising over the past decades. Listed below are the top ten programming languages to develop into an AI programmer.

Artificial Intelligence provides companies and applications programmers a complete world of possibilities. AI has caused a revolution in the tech world, using it rising and hoping to reach individual intellect.

Required Programming Languages for AI Developers

It’s because programmers can find, innovate, and adapt their own capacity to satisfy organizational and human requirements. Where do you begin if you’d like to make the most of the exceptionally in-demand skill?

Top 10 AI Programming languages

1. Python

Python is an interpreted language, and it’s called that since it moves through an interpreter, which transforms your own code to the language understood by your computer’s chip.

Due to the simplicity and ease of usage, Python deserved a Opportunity to be in the listing for Programming languages such as AI Developer.

Python’s syntax is extremely straightforward and can be learned fast. This makes it very straightforward to execute AI algorithms inside.

Python has been contributing from the marketplace with its counterintuitive support and pre-built libraries (such as NumPy, Pandas, Pybrain, and SciPy) which help hasten AI growth.

Top features of Python

  • It is easy to use
  • Interpreted and cross-platform
  • Free and open-source
  • Object-oriented
  • GUI programming support
  • Dynamic memory allocation

2. Java

Java is an extremely versatile, powerful, and transparent vocabulary encouraged by numerous libraries. Ever since it first emerged in 1995, it has witnessed a massive increase in the marketplace. Java is also quite user friendly, easy-to-debug, also runs through programs without participating in extra recompilation.

The Java-code could be conducted on almost any Java-supported platform using its Virtual Machine technologies. Artificial intelligence does really have a good deal to do with research algorithms, genetic programming, and artificial neural networks, which makes it among the perfect options for Programming languages such as AI Developers.

Top features of Java

  • It is simple and easy to use
  • It is an object-oriented language.
  • Platform independent
  • Secured and robust
  • Architecture neutral
  • Interpreted language
  • Multithreaded

3. Julia

Julia is a high-tech, effective, and dynamic programming language. Although it’s a general-purpose language and may be used to write some other program, a lot of its attributes are well-suited for numerical computing that is required by AI.

The fundamental framework for programming entails a parametric polymorphism and multiple cooling system. Compared to the aforementioned languages, Julia may not seem like an perfect option.

As a result, a significant number of a fast evolving community don’t encourage it. But, Wrappers such as TensorFlow.jl and Mocha provide exceptional support for DL.

Top features of Julia

  • It is fast and dynamic
  • It is reproducible
  • It is composable
  • It is open-source
  • Provides asynchronous I/O, metaprogramming, debugging, logging, profiling, a package manager


Lisp is among the earliest and most suitable languages for AI development.

It has the capability to process symbolic information successfully. Lisp could be represented as a mathematical notation for computer applications. AI programmers frequently turn into Lisp to get a collection of AI projects which are ML centric.

LISP is famous for its exceptional prototype capabilities with automatic garbage collection along with the easy dynamic evolution of new things. It’s an integrated improvement cycle for assessing expressions and recompiling files or functions once the app is still operating.

Top features of LISP

  • It is machine-independent
  • It an iterative design methodology
  • It provides high level debugging.
  • It is an object-oriented language.
  • It is expression-based.
  • Provides a complete I/O library.

5. Scala

Scala comes in the JVM household, substantially the same as Java. Recently many businesses and start-ups have integrated it in their enterprise, enabling it to obtain some recognition.

Developers from all over the globe like Scala due to many features it has to offer you. Additionally, ScalaNLP, DeepLearning4j, etc., are a few of the tools which ease the smooth AI manufacturing procedure with Scala.

It’s great for jobs that require flexibility. It combines the benefits of functional and imperative programming versions while functioning as a powerful tool which helps to create exceptionally aggressive software while, at precisely the exact same time, exploiting the advantages of an OO approach.

Top features of Scala

  • Type inference.
  • Singleton object.
  • Immutability.
  • Case classes and Pattern matching.
  • Concurrency control.
  • String interpolation.
  • Higher-order function.

6. R

R is among the most effective languages and environments for statistical manipulation and analysis of information.

Along with being an open minded and general-purpose speech, R incorporates several bundles, such as RODBC, Gmodels, Class, and Tm which are also used in machine learning.

These packages employ machine learning algorithms fairly just. Numbers form the cornerstone of ML, and AI and R are broadly known to revolve round data a lot.

R is regarded as like the popular statistical software SAS and SPSS. It’s acceptable for data analysis, visualization, and overall data.

But, in comparison to Python, it is not as flexible but also more technical.

Top features of R

  • It is free and open-source
  • It is robust and highly extensible
  • Effective data handling
  • It provides a storage facility
  • Integrates with  C/C++, Java, Python, etc.
  • It is platform-independent

7. Haskell

It was designed in the 1990s using non-strict semantics.

It gained fame in academic circles but was soon proven to be employed by tech giants such as Facebook and Google. Haskell is used for study because it supports embedded domain languages, that play a huge part in programming language study and AI.

Contrary to Java. Haskell is excellent for handling abstract math since it enables libraries to build expressive and effective AI algorithms.

HLearn, for example, uses routine algebraic structures such as modules and monoids for expressing and speeding up fundamental ML algorithms.

Top features of Haskell

  • It is a functional language
  • Modularity
  • Statically typed
  • It is easy and cost-effective
  • Lazy language

8. Rust

Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language boasting of being protected, effective, and secure concurrency.

Rust is syntactically like C++ and provides memory security without using garbage collection. Rust has been picked from Stack Overflow’s yearly programmer surveys for the past 4 decades since the hottest and most adored language which fills the emptiness which may be located in different languages.

The recently open-sourced Verona Project also utilizes Rust principles, an emerging language which will allow Microsoft to securely preserve heritage C and C# code.

Mozilla Research defines Rust as a”systems programming language which concentrates on speed, memory protection, and parallelism.”

Top features of Rust

  • Zero cost abstraction.
  • Pattern matching.
  • Error messages.
  • Move semantics.
  • Threads without data races.
  • Guaranteed memory safety.
  • Safe memory space allocation.

9. Prolog

Prolog is a logic programming language connected with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. When we speak about programming languages for AI programmers, this terminology stands alongside Lisp.

Efficient pattern matching, tree-based data visualization, and automatic backtracking are a few of the language’s attributes. These attributes offer a remarkably robust and versatile arrangement for programming.

Prolog is widely utilized in medical projects in addition to the creation of AI systems such as specialists.

Top features of Prolog

  • It is a declarative language
  • It uses the language of predicate calculus.
  • It manages lists and recursion naturally.
  • It is a fully object-oriented language.
  • Pattern matching and unification
  • It supports direct linkage with C/C++.


MATLAB is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numerical computing environment that’s introduced by MathWorks.

The usage of Matlab is proposed for complicated mathematical functions. Matlab provides AI capacities like Caffe and TensorFlow. It can help you to incorporate AI to the whole workflow.

In a feeling, even with no machine learning wisdom and expertise, it is possible to work around AI with MATLAB. It’s possible to use programs and play with many approaches.

Top features of MATLAB

  • It is a high-Level language.
  • Interactive environment.
  • Handling graphics.
  • Mathematical functions library.
  • Application program interface (API).
  • Interfacing with other languages.
  • It provides built-in graphics

To Sum Up

Artificial intelligence is a branch of technology that ultimately attempts to render smart computers and also to target how a smart individual believes. You will find unique characteristics and benefits of every language.

But you need to choose the ideal language to your AI jobs as an AI Engineer rather than follow the herd .

Additionally, the choice of programming language for AI frequently depends on a number of chief facets. Think about your company type, whether you’re just getting started or have a set up, the way the market appears, who your customers or clients are, what difficulties you want to fix and what your goals are, etc..

Other than that, many options aren’t dependent on a single technology alone. Thus, maintain the experimentation until you find that perfect language.

Written by
Arpit Singhal

I love working with Blogging and doing it the right way. #1goal: Keeping it as simple as possible for viewers.

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