
Lose Your Weight By Including These 5 Fruits in Your Diet

Loose Your Weight By Including These 5 Fruits in Your Diet

It is important to eat a healthy diet, low in fat and high in calories, if you want to lose weight. Without feeling pressured or stressed, one should set realistic goals for losing weight. Fad diets don’t work, and sustainable diets produce results. Everyone seems to have a tip for weight loss.

But it is important to realize that not all tips will work. Shilpa Arora, ND, a well-known Health Practitioner, Nutritionist, and certified Macrobiotic Coach, says that you can lose about one kilogram per week to help you lose weight. You will feel more energetic and relaxed if you eat a healthy diet.

It is not easy to lose weight, especially if your goal is to shed stubborn belly fat. People around the globe have problems with fat around their lower abdomen. There are many things you can do to reduce weight and have flat stomachs. Regular exercise is important, whether you are doing yoga, walking, or gymming. But, it is equally important to plan your diet carefully.

Experts in nutrition and health recommend that you include seasonal fruits into your daily diet. You may be asking why? You might be wondering why seasonal fruits are so rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that they can help you cope with the colder days. Fruits rich in fiber and those that improve digestive health should be eaten regularly to reduce bloating and help you lose weight.

Here Are 5 Fruits That Help You Lose Weight

1. Guavas 

Orange is the best source of Vitamin C. They not only boost immunity, but also make up for the lack of nutrients in our body like potassium, minerals, folate, and fiber. Orange juice is low in calories and contains no fat. This makes it a great option for anyone looking to lose weight and/or kilos. Nutritionists recommend that you eat the whole orange rather than juicing it. A whole orange will help retain fibers which will make you feel fuller for longer periods. You will naturally binge less when you feel satisfied.

2. Guavas 

Guavas are rich in protein and high-quality fibers. The slow digestion of both protein and fiber keeps you fuller for longer periods. This prevents sudden hunger pangs that can lead to you consuming excessive amounts of fattening food. Guavas have less sugar than apples, grapes, and oranges, even if they aren’t fully mature.

Guavas are an excellent source of dietary fiber and provide about 12% of the daily recommended intake of fiber. This makes them a great fruit to keep your digestive system in good shape. Guavas promote healthy digestion and better bowel movement. Healthy weight loss is also possible with a healthy digestive system.

Also read: 5 Effective Tips For Losing Weight

3. Grapes

Researchers at Oregon State University found that elegiac, which is found in red grapes and other fruits, slows down the growth of fat cells in the body and prevents the creation of new ones. In a study published by the Journal of Obesity, it was also found that a high amount of resveratrol (found in black grapes) stimulates the growth of healthy fats and not obesity-causing bad fat.

4. Chikoo

Chikoo, also known as sapota may help you lose belly fat and excess weight. It helps to regulate your digestive system and prevents IBS. It can also make you feel fuller for longer periods of time due to its dietary fibers. Chiku also helps to increase metabolism.

5. Anjeer 

Anjeer (or Figs) is rich in dietary fiber that will fill you up quickly. Experts recommend it as a natural remedy for constipation. In addition to the fiber in figs that promotes proper digestion, the enzyme ‘Ficin’ found in figs works well with other digestive enzymes produced by the digestive tract to quickly digest food. Healthy digestive systems are key to weight loss and reducing belly fat.

These fruits should be consumed in moderation, along with a balanced diet. A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential to ensure a steady, healthy weight loss.

Written by
Isla Genesis

Isla Genesis is social media manager of The Tech Trend. She did MBA in marketing and leveraging social media. Isla is also a passionate, writing a upcoming book on marketing stats, travel lover and photographer.

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