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Delbert David is the editor in chief of The Tech Trend. He accepts all the challenges in the content reading and editing. Delbert is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging content marketing.

581 Articles1593 Comments
Workplace Remote Collaboration
Growth Strategies

How Technology is Reshaping the Workplace and Remote Collaboration

Technology is transforming the way of working and collaborating. Traditional office settings are being redefined by remote work and digital tools. From virtual...

OCR Document

A Complete Guide on Using OCR to Digitize Your Documents

To save, retrieve, and share information efficiently in this increasingly digital environment, it is now necessary to convert paper documents into digital formats....

844 Area Code

844 Area Code: A Guide to Toll-Free Number (Location +Legitimate +Block)

You must have received calls from numbers starting with 844 area code is North American. This is a toll-free number that many big...

AI Scam Tactics
Artificial Intelligence

Deepfake and AI Scam Tactics In 2024

We can’t measure the money spent on technology since the rise of deepfake, and AI scam tactics have become a cause for concern....

User Interface Design
Software Development

The Evolution of User Interface (UI) Design in Tech Company Websites

User interface (UI) design plays a pivotal role in shaping the digital presence of tech companies. As we delve into the nuances of...

Magento Website Structure
Software Development

Maximizing Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Your Magento Website Structure

A well-structured Magento e-commerce website is not just aesthetically pleasing; it’s a fundamental element for success. According to a study by Nielsen Norman...

A gamer in the metaverse world

How the Metaverse is Improving the Virtual Gaming World

Metaverse gaming is growing in popularity because of how it improves the virtual gaming environment. It provides immersive environments that make gaming more...

Software Engineering Services
Software Development

Cody’s Role in Shaping the Development Ecosystem: A Deep Dive into Software Engineering Services

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, the importance of bespoke solutions cannot be overstated. Cody, a name synonymous with innovation in the...

ecommerce shopify store development
Software Development

The Art of Shopify Development: Building E-commerce Excellence

eCommerce has gained a lot of popularity after Covid-19. When local businesses were forced to go digital, they saw the immense opportunity that...

Home Service Providers

Navigating Online Reviews: A Home Service Provider’s Guide To Managing Reputation

In today’s fast-paced world, where people crave instant satisfaction and stay constantly connected, online reviews have become the go-to measure for checking out...