Growth Strategies

Best 5 Design Concepts to Boost Your Website Conversions

Design Concepts

Maybe you’ve spent considerable money to redesign your website. You will want one thing from your website design, and that is more visitors. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your website is or how many visitors it answers if they don’t convert into customers.

Be Objective

It is possible that you may have a limited view of the design because you invested so much time and money into it. It’s easy to get too focused on the website design and forget about the people who will convert. Sometimes, it is important to take a step back and acknowledge that your website design may have flaws. This will allow you to look at ways that your website conversions could be improved. In order to increase your website conversion, you can hire a professional wordpress website design company as they can help you upgrade your website design that is built to attract customers.

Your website’s visitors should be your most important consideration. While it can be difficult to figure out what this means, it is clear that your design is key to increasing conversions. So what design ideas should you be considering if you are looking to improve conversions?

Also read: Top 10 Free Sketch Plugins for Website Developers

Why website design matters

A shocking 46.1% of people surveyed by Stanford University believed that the website design was their most important factor in deciding whether a company is credible. It’s important to ensure that your website looks professional.

People will leave if your site is not attractive or easy to navigate. This is especially true if you have other competitors. We have listed five design ideas that will help increase conversions.

1. Don’t overcomplicate things

The saying goes that less is more. Visitors to your website will abandon you if they are unable to find what they need quickly and easily. We mentioned that if they have many other options, it is unlikely that visitors will return to your website.

Websites that are overloaded with widgets, pop-ups, and flashy graphics can cause visitors to lose interest and forget why they came. While extra menus, sidebars, and pop-ups may be helpful in keeping visitors on your site, they can also hinder them from doing the things they were looking for.

For most websites, grids and single-column layouts are good options. People will remember more information if your website is visually appealing. Consider the device that visitors might use to visit your website, particularly as mobile devices may display information differently. Keep this in mind.

Sticky pop-ups are the best option if you have to use pop-ups. They will not move around and they are less irritating.

2. Make navigation simple

The organization is key to site navigation that is quick and easy. According to a recent survey, 94% said they want sites that are easy to navigate. While you may prefer your menu to be at the top of your website, this is perfectly acceptable. However, think about what your visitors want. Is it possible for them to use a mouse to navigate the main menu? Do they click on the internal links? The Oder, will you suggest an alternative?

It will make it easier for customers to locate your products and help ensure that everything is correctly populated. To make it easier for users to find the products they are searching for, be sure to include subcategories. You are more likely to convert if your visitor finds what they need quickly.

3. Use high-quality graphics

You must do everything you can to make sure your company, products, and website stand out in a highly competitive marketplace. It is not a good idea to cut corners when it comes to costs. This could lead you to lose conversions and reduce your overall sales.

Thumbnails might work in certain situations, but not all. You need high-quality graphics. According to estimates, people spend about a day online. It is important that websites offer a complete experience for visitors. This means images must be bright, bold, clear, and professional.

Engaging the services of a professional photographer to ensure high-quality graphics for your website is the best way to make sure they are. Make sure the images you choose are appropriate for your website. Visitors will notice if they aren’t. You should ensure that all images are optimized and have descriptions and ALT tags. This will improve your website’s visibility.

4. Employ the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a term you may have heard. It is a common term in photography that refers to a popular principle of photography. However, it is a key web design principle worth keeping in mind. You must visually divide your website page into three parts using the rule of thirds. This can be done horizontally or vertically.

You will get nine equal squares. The four intersections in the middle are the most important. You can create a design or an image that has the greatest impact by placing objects at these points.

This principle of web design means that the most important elements of your webpage should be placed at these intersections. Your visitors will focus on them. This will help increase your conversions. This could be a button that says “Start Here”, a testimonial, or a call-to-action button. These will draw attention.

Your website’s navigation bar should not be located near intersections. This will distract your visitors from the call to action. These principles do not have to be the basis of your entire website. These principles are an extremely valuable tool and can be used to help you decide where to place the elements you think are most important.

Take a screen capture of your website to check if it follows these principles. You don’t have to take a screenshot of the entire page, as not many people view websites this way. However, the header section is sufficient. Divide the screenshot into nine equal pieces, then take a look at where the content is placed and decide if you need to make any adjustments. Although it might seem odd that your page’s visual appeal should have such an impact upon conversion, small changes can really make a difference.

Also read: The Benefits of Investing in A Web Design Service

5. Use negative space

Whitespace, when it comes to website design is often referred to as “negative space”. Positive space refers to any space that is occupied with elements of your website. Negative space is the space between these pieces.

Although this is often referred to negatively, web design is actually a positive space. It helps make websites usable and readable.

Negative space can be used to refer to any number of elements on your page. It could include the space between larger elements on the page such as the space below a header or before your content, and the space between your content and the sidebar. You can also use it to refer to smaller spaces on your pages, such as the space between paragraphs, between lines of space, and between letters in your content.

You can keep things clear if you pay attention to the negative spaces. These are all factors that can increase conversions.

Keep in mind that the smaller font you choose, the more negative space between your letters. You might also consider how your paragraphs are structured. Smaller paragraphs will allow for more negative space which will make content easier to read. You must be careful here. Too many paragraphs can make your content difficult to read and disjointed.

Although there is no magic bullet that will instantly increase your conversions, these design tips can help you create a website that visitors enjoy viewing and that they return to again and again, even if the purchase doesn’t go through.

Written by
Barrett S

Barrett S is Sr. content manager of The Tech Trend. He is interested in the ways in which tech innovations can and will affect daily life. He loved to read books, magazines and music.

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