Growth Strategies

What are the Benefits of Adding an Instagram feed on Shopify?

What are the Benefits of Adding an Instagram feed on Shopify

With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram is known to be one of the most active social media platforms and is full of extremely interactive feeds. We have discussed what are the benefits of adding an Instagram feed to Shopify.

Over the years, marketers and brands are utilizing this social media platform to the best of their ability to increase their brand reach and visibility by using a powerful and result-driven approach – Embedding feeds!

Embedding Instagram Widget on the website has gradually evolved to become one of the most brilliant ways to increase engagement and skyrocket conversions and sales.

Continue reading this blog till the end to delve deeper into how embedding an Instagram feed on Shopify can benefit businesses tremendously!

But first, let us understand a little more about Shopify and why it is so popular amongst eCommerce brands.

Why Do Brands Choose Shopify?

Commonly referred to as the most favorite eCommerce platform for brands, Shopify provides an ideal platform for brands to showcase their products and enables them to leverage the platform to sell their products by opening their own Shopify store.

What makes Shopify even more special is that it lets brands beautify the store and make it more attractive and appealing by offering multiple customization options to choose from. This way, brands can work on the overall look of the store and enhance it if required.

Shopify serves as an ideal choice if you wish to start your brand from the beginning due to minimal configuration requirements.

Overall, Shopify offers the best features at the most affordable prices that even small businesses don’t find too heavy on the pocket.

Since now you have understood the reason why most brands choose Shopify, we shall be telling you about the key benefits of embedding Instagram feeds to Shopify in the next section.

Key Benefits Of Embedding Instagram Feed To Shopify

1. Increased User Engagement

User engagement is an extremely crucial part of any brand or business and the deciding factor to measure the success of a brand.

It is a known fact that customers trust other customers’ opinions much more than the brand’s published content. Instagram Feeds are mostly User-Generated Content which makes it the most genuine, authentic, and trustworthy form of content.

Since the feed is so genuine, when a visitor visits the website and witnesses an embedded Instagram feed, they feel the need to explore the interactive website more and are compelled to stay on the website, leading to increased user engagement and an increase in the dwell time of the visitors also.

2. More Brand Trust & Loyalty

Brand credibility is equally as crucial as user engagement for any brand and embedding your Instagram feed on the website will take your customer’s trust to the next level.

As mentioned the importance of UGC in the above point, User-Generated Content effectively helps you in gaining the trust of your existing as well as potential customers.

Loyalty comes with the trust and since the content is created by your users, it will never look biased and as a part of the brand’s promotional content hence resulting in gaining the trust and loyalty of your potential customers.

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3. Give A Vibrant Look To The Website

Surveys suggest that visuals attract 10 times more attention than written texts and Instagram is an extremely vibrant and lively platform full of interactive visuals.

You can enhance your website’s overall look by embedding Instagram feed into your website and customize it according to your personal taste and preference, which will further result in customers enjoying their stay on your website.

Since visuals are catchy and much more descriptive and engaging in nature, visitors immediately get attracted by your website’s overall look and increase their stay on your website due to its vibrancy.

4. Build A Social Proof

Always remember, your customers are your biggest brand ambassadors and as mentioned above, User-Generated Content is the most result-driven and genuine form of content and can do wonders for your brand!

Embedding an Instagram feed on Shopify will instill some excitement in your customers about your brand and they will eventually spread the word and socially speak more about you.

The more people know about your brand, the more likely your potential customers will visit your website, and attracted by your satisfied customers’ opinion, your potential customers may come to a decision of buying your products or services.

Hence, using social proof, you are connected to Instagram to Shopify likely to increase your business’s conversion rate and sales.

5. Gain Followers On Instagram

Once you reap the above benefits, your website visitors will start seeing you and your brand in a different light and feel the need to connect and engage with you on social media too.

The visitors on your website will understand more about your social presence and eventually connect more with your brand and might go and check your account on Instagram and make a place in your follower’s list!

Closing Note

We are sure you must have understood the benefits of embedding an Instagram feed on Shopify websites and must be wondering how to embed it.

You can do so seamlessly with the help of social media aggregator tools without any technical knowledge or coding experience required.

There are multiple social media aggregation tools available that effectively collect, curate, and publish your website’s content.

Now that you are well aware, what are you waiting for? Choose your social media aggregator tool and use this amazing marketing strategy right away!

Written by
Julie Wiley

Bio - Hi, I’m Julie! I am a freelance content writer, formerly worked out of Adam Smith Institute in California. I spend most of my time on the internet, searching for solutions that could help businesses grow exponentially.

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