Growth Strategies

What is WiFi Calling and How Does it Benefit Your Businesses?

What is WiFi Calling and How Does it Benefit Your Businesses

The way that businesses communicate with their customers via voice calls has changed thanks to technology. WiFi calling can be used by businesses and entrepreneurs to cut down on their phone lines. This allows them to save money and make the most of what they have. Here’s a guide for beginners to WiFi calling.

What is WiFi Calling?

WiFi calling allows you to make and receive voice calls via your mobile phone’sWiFi network instead of using your traditional mobile network. It is available on all major smartphones, including Android and iPhone.

To use WiFi calling, you simply need to enable WiFi calling within your phone’s setting. This process will vary depending on your device. There are also third-party apps that enable users to make WiFi calls such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

What is the Point of WiFi Calling?

Mobile networks are not always available in all areas and can sometimes go down.WiFi calling allows you to use your WiFi connection at home or work as a backup. This allows you to keep in touch even if your mobile service goes down.

You can, for example, make calls even if there is no reception. Even text messages can be sent via WiFi on an airplane. Although technically you can make voice and video calls from planes, most airlines prohibit this. For those with a mobile plan that is limited, WiFi calling might be a good option.

Is WiFi Calling Free?

As long as your device supports WiFi, calls to the U.S. are usually free. It is available on many Android smartphones and iPhones. You may have to purchase your own wireless network for home or work. A hotspot is required if you intend to make WiFi calls while on the move. These can be purchased for as little as $20 to $50.

11 Method WiFi Calling Will Benefit Your Business

WiFi calling allows people to be connected more often. This is crucial in today’s mobile-based business environment. These are some benefits that business owners should consider.

1. You can make calls in areas with low mobile connection

People expect mobile service to be available almost everywhere. There are still some areas that have limited coverage. A business owner does not want to be in a dead zone if they have an important meeting or call.

These are some locations where WiFi calling may be required to communicate with others:

  • Public transit or trains
  • Dead zones in offices (Especially common in concrete buildings)
  • Elevators
  • Basement offices

2. Making WiFi Calls Saves Time

Traditional calls can be dropped if you are in an area without cell reception. It’s not only unprofessional, but it can also waste valuable meeting time.WiFi calling ensures that your calls don’t drop as long as there is a reliable internet connection. You can communicate more and deal with technology less.

Also read: What Is a Voice Chat and Why It Helpful for Business Strategy

3. No App Download is Needed

Apps for almost everything are available on smartphones. These apps take up valuable space and can be time-consuming. Many entrepreneurs don’t have the time or desire to do so.WiFi calling is available on all devices.It is simple to set up and use.

4. Making Calls over WiFi Does not Use any Talk Time

Many cell phone plans limit the amount of talk time that you can use each month. You may need to pay additional fees if you make many voice calls or buy a plan that has more talk time.WiFi calls do not contribute to this number. If you are short on minutes during the month, WiFi calls can help you save.

5. It Results in Better Quality Calls

Your business can look more professional if you have a high-quality call. This option can be beneficial if you have strong WiFi connections. This will allow you to communicate more effectively and be more focused. This also reduces disruptions and shows potential clients and partners that you are willing to invest in high-quality communication solutions for your company.

6. A WiFi Call Uses Your Phone Number

WiFi calling does not require a separate number or line. You don’t have to give contacts multiple ways to contact you. When you contact others, they should always be able to identify who is calling. It’s an easy solution if you don’t want a regular mobile line. However, if you need a dedicated number, you can use the apps to get a phone number.

7. It Includes No Add On Services

This feature is available without the need for an additional plan or service. It’s as easy as turning on WiFi calling and putting your phone into airplane mode.

8. It Is Supported by Most Phones

This feature is likely to be included in your smartphone’s software. You don’t have to buy a new phone or do extensive research if you need to update. It also means that everyone on your team, and all those you call, should have WiFi calling.

What phones support WiFi calling?

Most current smartphones use WiFi calling. Here are some popular ones:

  • Apple iPhone 6 and later
  • Samsung Galaxy A01 and later
  • Google Pixel
  • Microsoft Lumia
  • Motorola Moto phones
  • LG Fortune, Escape, Harmony, and Stylo

9. Video Calls Can be Like Regular Calls

Many smartphones are capable of hosting video calls. WiFi calling allows you to use this feature in the same way as voice calls – simply enable the video call feature on your smartphone (i.e.FaceTime for iPhones.It is much easier than creating new VoIP calls and video streams to host these conferences.

10. There are Not Pay Fees for Incoming Calls on a WiFi Network

You can call WiFi free of charge within the U.S. and it is always free to receive calls. If you already have a wireless network, you don’t have to add any extra cost to your communication budget.

11. You Can Also Send Free Text Messages Over WiFi

Strong WiFi networks don’t only allow you to make voice calls. Text messages can be sent to clients, partners, or team members. This is great if you need to quickly update your team or answer a question on the move.

Also read: How to Leverage Smartphone to Start your New Business

Things to Note Before Using WiFi Calling

WiFi calling has many benefits that outweigh its cons. It’s not the right solution for everyone. Before you rely on WiFi to make important phone calls, here are some things to remember.

Weak WiFi Connection Equals Problems

A weak WiFi signal can cause dropped calls and poor quality. The distance you are from the router, how many people are connected and other factors can affect your signal strength. This is especially true for large offices that are far from the router or close to concrete walls or appliances. These can cause interference and block the signal.You can identify the areas in your house and office where the signal strength is the strongest, often near the router. These spots can be used to make important WiFi phone calls.

There are Restrictions on International Calls

WiFi calling within the U.S. can be done for free. International calls may cost you more, as they are not technically made with WiFi.Customers of T-mobile may be charged $0.25 per minute for roaming. The same applies to WiFi calls as for traditional mobile calls. Based on your international calling plan, specific rates may vary. These rates will help you avoid unexpected charges when calling abroad.

Not All Phones Have a WiFi Calling Feature

Modern smartphones support WiFi calling. All major U.S. carriers support WiFi calling on these smartphones.It’s not available on older phones or office phones. It may not be possible if the device you are calling does not support this feature.

How to Set-up and Enable WiFi Calling

Some phones don’t have WiFi calling capabilities. Those that do have it don’t usually come with it enabled. Before you can make a WiFi phone call, make sure that your phone has HD voice-enabled and is connected to a WiFi network.Before you can make your first text or call, enable WiFi calling. This is how you do it on the most popular devices of today.

How to Set-up WiFi Calling on Android Device

Modern Android phones make it simple to set up WiFi calling. You must enable WiFi calling on your phone before you can make phone calls over WiFi. This allows you to text or calls anywhere there is no internet service or your phone is in airplane mode. It stops the phone from connecting to a cell tower. This is how you do it on your Android phone.

  • Navigate to the settings section of your phone and choose Networks & Internet
  • Select the mobile network option
  • Turn on WiFi
  • Select the Advanced settings option
  • Scroll down until you see “WiFi Calling”, toggle off the option
  • When prompted, enter your emergency address. Emergency services won’t automatically locate you if they call via WiFi.

How to Set-up WiFi Calling on iPhone Devices

If you have an Apple device, calling with WiFi instead of mobile service will be possible automatically if this feature is activated first.

Here are the steps to enable WiFi calling from your iPhone.

  1. Navigate to the settings of your phone and choose “Phone”.
  2. Scroll down until you see WiFi Calling. Toggle it on
  3. In case of an emergency, enter or confirm your address
  4. Connect to a WiFi network
  5. How to make calls with WiFi Calling Feature

You don’t need to do anything special to make calls once you have enabled WiFi calling. Each device is different so the exact steps may vary. Here’s a guideline:

  1. In the settings of your phone, activate WiFi calling
  2. Connect to a WiFi network
  3. Text or dial as usual
  4. When you make an emergency call, please provide your location in the settings of your phone or at the start of the call.

What’s the difference between mobile data and WiFi calling?

Both WiFi and mobile data allow you to connect to your phone’s internet via your smartphone. The monthly allowance that you have signed up with your phone company for your mobile network will be used to connect to the internet. While some plans provide unlimited data for voice and text calls, others have limitations. If you exceed these limits, you will usually be charged overage fees.

WiFi calling is not included in your phone plan. All you need is a WiFi connection at your business or home. Strong signals are better for mobile calls.WiFi calls are better if your signal strength is poor or you have exceeded your monthly allowance.

Also read: How to Optimize Voice Search Result for Your Local Business

Do I want WiFi calling on or off?

WiFi calling is generally a good idea if you have strong WiFi signals but poor access to your mobile network. You might activate it in areas like public transit and office dead zones. However, your mobile coverage may be stronger in some areas, so you can turn it off there. WiFi calling can be turned on or off easily. You can try both and find the one that works best for your situation. It is best to disable WiFi calling before you make emergency calls. However, many cell carriers will connect you to a tower if there is a signal.

It seems like everyone is obsessed with WiFi nowadays, which is why cell towers are an extremely lucrative business. If you own a large property, perhaps you have been approached by a wireless carrier representative (AT&T, Verizon, Dish Wireless, T-Mobile) or a tower developer, to possibly build a cell tower on your land. You may have questions and need help to decipher the complex development process. Perhaps you’re wondering why your property was selected, whether you were offered a fair rent, what terms you can negotiate, etc. If that’s the case, you can seek help from cell tower lease negotiation experts so you can get answers to all of your questions before making a decision.

Does WiFi calling save your battery life?

Yes. Your phone will only need to send a signal over WiFi to your router. Your phone must reach the closest cell tower to make a call using cell service. This is almost always farther away. For most users, this may not be a significant difference. It can be noticeable for users who live far from cell phones.

Do WiFi calls show on your phone bill?

Sometimes WiFi calls will show up on your bill but not all the time. The WiFi call will likely not show up on your phone bill if you have a WiFi connection at home or work. Access is paid to your internet provider. This allows you to make calls on the same network as your internet carrier. If you don’t have an outside network connection, your phone will use the data plan that is available on your phone bill.

Does WiFi call work without a SIM?

You can make WiFi calls on any device with or without a SIM card. You only need a phone with WiFi calling capabilities and internet access. You can likely make WiFi calling with a smartphone you bought in the U.S. within five years.

Is WiFi calling better than 4G?

WiFi calling allows you to make calls and send texts even if you don’t have a mobile signal. You will need to be within close proximity to a cell tower to make calls with 4G. WiFi calls can be slightly delayed if there isn’t a strong connection. This feature allows you to make calls even in areas without cell service. If you aren’t using all of your available mobile data, it can help keep your phone bill low. As long as you have an internet connection, WiFi calling can be useful. However, 4G is better if your travels are frequent or you need to call international destinations.

Is WiFi calling the same as VoLTE?

VoLTE requires access to a mobile signal. WiFi calling is not.VoLTE stands to voice over long-term development. It can be used to make voice calls via your phone’s network. It is faster than other signals such as 3G. You don’t have to be connected to WiFi at home or work to use it.WiFi calling requires internet access, but not necessarily the ability to send or receive voice calls.

Is there an app for free WiFi calling?

To make WiFi calls, you don’t need to download any third-party app. This feature is standard on most phones, including Android and iPhones.This feature is also supported by carriers like Verizon and T-mobile without the need for an app. To use the feature, simply enable it in your phone’s Settings.

There are apps that you can use to make WiFi calls. These include Google Voice, Tango, and Tango. These apps offer advanced features such as international WiFi calling and the ability to call other devices, like laptops.

Can I still call emergency services using WiFi Calling?

You can make emergency calls via WiFi calling even if your network is not available. This feature is useful for businesses because it allows you to keep your workplace safe, even when there’s no cell signal. This feature can be very useful for frequent travelers, as you might find yourself far from cell towers or trains, or other public transit systems.

If their network is available, however, most carriers will connect you to your mobile signal automatically when you place an emergency call. Emergency services can also access your location if you are connected to a cell service.WiFi calling does not have this feature. WiFi calling can be unsafe and slow so make sure you give your exact location immediately and then add your address to the device.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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