
How to Learn Languages by Yourself?

Learn Languages by Yourself

Learning from home has been a global trend since the Covid-19 pandemic started. In this setup, videos and blogs have been their teachers. Their houses have been their classroom and internet users have been their classmates.

Learners spend most of their time at home and they figure out different ways to continue learning. This kind of setup motivates them to learn other things in life. Some learned to bake, cook, and grow plants. This is proof that learning is not always attained in schools and the workplace. With the advancement of technology and the internet, knowledge is attainable in just a click.

In this blog, we will talk about how we can easily learn languages without enrolling in a class and getting a tutor. In these modern times, learning languages has been made easier, so why not grab this opportunity to learn new languages or even learn Chinese as an English speaker? Here are some tips on how you can learn languages by yourself.

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1. Join a Facebook Language Group

If you spend most of your time scrolling your Facebook newsfeed, why not make it meaningful? There are many Facebook language groups that you can join to interact with native speakers or even co-learners. However, learning languages will be effective if you will practice using them in actual conversations.

2. Change The Language Of Your Phone

We always carry our phones with us. Phones are good tools to learn a language by yourself. Just make sure that you are familiar with the writing system and choose a language that is the most similar to your native language, or else, you might click something on your phone that will change some settings.

3. Enjoy Lyrics Training

For those who love singing, Lyrics Training is a great choice for you. You can learn languages through music. Aside from this, you can also sing your hearts out in karaoke. This will improve your pronunciation.

4. Label Some Items In Your House Using Your Target Language

If you can’t bring yourself to the country where your target language is being spoken, bring that country to your house instead. Exposing yourself to the language you want to learn is a great idea. You can start with everything around your home. If you see it every day, there is a high chance of retention. Then, little by little, you can learn it without even realizing it.

5. Write in Your Diary Using Your Target Language

Diaries are too personal for everyone. One of the language skills that you must develop is writing skill. This will be helpful, especially for languages that have complicated writing systems. You can start with the date then work your way up to words and phrases.

6. Try Vlogging in Your Target Language

Vlogging is undoubtedly one of the most used platforms in learning things in this generation. Many people engage in content creation to share their knowledge and passion with other people. If you are still conscious about your pronunciation, grammar, diction, and structures, you can upload it privately and see how you improve in every video.

7. Use a Digital Language Learning Planner

If you are very determined to learn, you may use a digital planner to organize your learning schedule. This will help you focus on one topic at a time to gain mastery. For example, during the first week of the month, you will focus on the nouns, then another topic in the following weeks.

8. Watch and Follow Video Exercises

If you love keeping your body in shape, you may use online video exercises to stay fit and learn languages simultaneously. Instructions, followed by movements, are a perfect example of experiential learning.

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9. Learn Some Nursery Rhymes

Children may seem to learn languages easily because of many factors. One of these factors is their environment. If they grew up with nursery rhymes and keep hearing them repeatedly, this may lead to retention. This can also be true for a non-native language learner. Why don’t you try learning how children do and start with the basics? This is one of the ways to learn a language by yourself.

10. Practice Some Tongue Twisters

Growing up, we have heard a lot of tongue twisters in our native language. Tongue twisters are short, meaningful, and exciting to learn. This will help you practice your diction and pronunciation. Understanding the meaning of tongue twisters is a plus point.

So, which one of these ways of learning languages by yourself is your favorite? Which one would you consider doing first? Whatever it may be, you can start as soon as possible! Learning new languages should not be challenging and frustrating. Maintaining a positive attitude towards learning will keep you moving and determined. Discover where you are comfortable. Go with it. Remember, skies are the limit!

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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