
How To Protect Yourself Online Better

Protect Yourself Online

If you are working online, keep in mind that you are under some threat. Cyber attacks are quite common nowadays. If some hackers dents into your network, they can damage your identity to a great deal. They can exploit your data to their ends. The increase was so rapid that the U.S. federal government agency was constantly conducting research and development. The ultimate aim was to develop some mechanism to minimize the potential risks.

Are you safe when you are working online? Why don’t you install antivirus in your system? Download antivirus software from thenewpiratebay. You can simply get it free of cost. In this article, we are discussing the ways you can protect yourself better while you are working online.

Ways You Can Protect Yourself Online Better

There are certain ways through which you can protect yourself online better. Let’s try to discuss the ways through which you could do it better.

1. Strong Password

The most common way to protect yourself from external threats is by creating a strong and complex password. When you are creating a password, make sure that you choose something the hacker can not decode easily. Never use some words or number that has a strong link to your first name, middle name, and last name. Simply mix the words and letters and arrange them in such a way that creates something difficult to crack.

Also read: 10 Best Password Manager Apps Uses in 2022

2. Encryptions 

When you are doing some financial transaction online, you need to know whether that website is encrypted. In order to check this, you could trust two things. Firstly, look at the trusted security symbols and the extra “s” at the end of the ‘Https’ web address bar. If you see both symbols, this works as an indicator that your site is encrypted.

3. Turn On Web Browser Blacklisting

The lack of internet security can partially be attributed to the use of internet browsers. There are some browsers that have the additional function or option of blacklisting. If you have such facilities with you, please use them to protect yourself. This blacklisting is really good for you.

4. Install Security Suites

So what are security suites? Security suites are some security programs that safeguard you from malicious elements and programs entering your computer. If they are able to enter your system, they will rob your valuable information and data. Would you let this happen? Why don’t you install security suites? These antiviruses safeguard your system from any kind of external threats.

5. Avoid Using Any Kind Of Uncensored Public Wi-Fi

When you are outdoors, you get access to public Wi-Fi. Would you think that it would be safe to take a free internet connection? Well…there are risks and uncertainties that you have with this kind of connection. When it becomes a necessity, try to avoid entering any kind of compromising information like Social security numbers or any kind of financial information. It is better if you use a Virtual private network (VPN). They shield your network identity from external threats.

6. Backup Your Data Regularly 

It’s always safe to back up your data on a regular basis. This is a great way to avoid the loss of data. Suppose some hacker encrypts your data and demands some kind of ransom to unencrypt the data; let them do so. Let them do it, and it won’t hurt you.

Also read: Top 10 Free Open Source Software For Data Backup

7. Be Smart With Financial Information

Always be mindful when you are using sensitive information like the credit card number. Prior to purchasing anything, ensure that the website’s URL starts with “https://.” Remember one thing: the “s” is highly important. This “s” indicates that your connections are encrypted. Whenever you are purchasing something from the website, make sure that the website has this; otherwise, refrain from buying anything.

8. Avoid Sharing Personal Information 

When you are using social media sites or any other website, you see that they ask for some information, mainly personal information. Examples of personal information include address, full name, ph number, and email address. Golden advice, wherever it is possible, try to avoid any kind of personal information.


In order to conclude, it can be said that you need to be mindful of all the steps mentioned and discussed here. At the same time, you also need to see that you turn out from any kind of socialization in fear of loss of information (a ridiculous thing to happen). There are risk elements, but at the same time, there are protective mechanisms available to you.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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