Can Machines And Artificial Intelligence Be Gifted
Artificial Intelligence

Can Machines And Artificial Intelligence Be Gifted?

Instead of considering AI as replacing human imagination, it’s beneficial to analyze ways that AI can be utilized as a tool to augment...

When A Company's Owner Can And Can't Ask For A Social Security Number

When A Company’s Owner Can And Can’t Ask For A Social Security Number

You are likely to wait until after you’ve interviewed a candidate to conduct such tests, why not wait till there to ask that...

This Security One-two Punch Can Protect Your Mobile Phone From Cybercrooks

This Security One-two Punch Can Protect Your Mobile Phone From Cybercrooks

If you thought cybercriminals were throttling back at the age of COVID-19, economic crisis, and civil unrest, then you don’t know cyber criminals....

What Is The Importance Of Security Testing For Web And Mobile Apps

What Is The Importance of Security Testing For Web And Mobile Apps

We live in the Smart Age now, with many of our everyday activities being performed for us by many ‘smart’ devices. This covers...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Assist Resist Coronavirus
Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Can Assist Resist Coronavirus

Imagine a normal Tuesday morning. You park your car in the nearby Costco’s parking lot. The lot is complete, with vehicles parked nose...

How Can Open Source Technologies Add Security To IoT

How Can Open Source Technologies Add Security To IoT

To ensure IoT based devices are linked to each other correctly, open-source applications now plays an increasingly important function. Cisco forecasts that 50...

Here Is The Ways To Manage Your Remote Employee's Device Security

Here Is The Ways To Manage Your Remote Employee’s Device Security

One of the biggest consequences of COVID-19 for enterprises beyond 2020 is going to be the acceleration of the trend to working the...

China States ‘Global Standard For Data Security’

China States ‘Global Standard For Data Security’

As tensions between the U.S. and China heighten over data security issues, Beijing took a proactive measure to unveil a “data security initiative”...

AI Enhance An Combine In The Assist Against COVID
Artificial Intelligence

AI Enhance An Combine In The Assist Against COVID-19

We are seeing that right now in the advanced manners AI is being used to shield health care workers and help the attempt...

Is Artificial Intelligence A Allegory
Artificial Intelligence

Is Artificial Intelligence A Allegory?

AI specifically is high on the buzz word list: out of traffic jams to climate change, there’s a solution, and it is the...