
How Indoor Mapping Can Improve Shopping Experience in Grocery Stores

Shopping Experience in Grocery Stores

Mapping the indoors of a grocery store can help shoppers find items with ease. With maps displaying the location and layout of products, customers can easily locate what they are looking for. This is an idea that has been implemented by many retail stores around the world, including Walmart and Target.

The indoor mapping concept was originally developed at MIT Media Lab where researchers wanted to make shopping more convenient for people with mobility problems as well as those who have trouble navigating in large spaces like malls or airports. 3D mapping of grocery stores also helps retailers gather data about customer purchasing habits which could lead to new marketing strategies and more targeted promotional offers.

Here are 7 ways indoor mapping can improve the customer shopping experience in grocery stores:

1. Automatic product location

Grocery stores are full of products that are often placed in random locations. This makes it difficult for customers to find what they want, especially when the store is crowded. Indoor mapping allows you to automatically place products on the map where they belong. This helps customers quickly find what they need and move on with their shopping experience.

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2. Digital signage

Digital signage display is a great way to promote your store and its products, but it’s also a major distraction for customers who just want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Indoor mapping can be used to show digital signage only where it’s needed – around specific products or departments – instead of the entire store, which will help your customers focus on what they came for: finding the things they need and getting out of there!

3. Create custom maps for each customer type

Your customers have different needs, so why should you treat them all the same? With indoor mapping, you can create customized maps that highlight different products based on customer type (new moms, families with kids, etc.). This gives each group exactly what they need while helping them easily navigate through your store without getting distracted by other products that aren’t relevant to them at this time.

4. Offer real-time promotions and discounts

Selling products is your main goal, but it’s not the only thing you want to do. You also want to give customers an experience that makes them feel welcome and appreciated. One way to do this is by offering special discounts and promotions on certain products when they are near them or on the map. This will help you increase sales while giving customers a reason to come back!

5. Improve customer service with in-store navigation

With indoor mapping, you can create maps of your store that include information about where things are located (e.g., restrooms, exits, etc.). This will help you improve customer service by making it easier for employees to show customers around the store and answer any questions they may have about what’s available in each department. And if something isn’t on the map? Employees can quickly add it so customers know where it is!

6. Create better shopping lists with real-time location alerts

If you have a list of items that people need to buy from you, how can they remember all of them? With indoor mapping, they don’t have to! Customers can get alerts when they get close to a product or department so they know exactly what they need before going through checkout. This helps reduce shopping time and stress while increasing satisfaction with your store!

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7. Provide a better shopping experience with augmented reality

With indoor mapping, you can use augmented reality (AR) to help customers find products and departments quickly and easily. This is especially useful for people who are visiting your store for the first time, or who aren’t familiar with it yet. It also helps them get around faster so they can spend more time shopping and less time trying to figure out where everything is.

Written by
Isla Genesis

Isla Genesis is social media manager of The Tech Trend. She did MBA in marketing and leveraging social media. Isla is also a passionate, writing a upcoming book on marketing stats, travel lover and photographer.

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