Growth Strategies

Best Tools and Resources for Launching a Successful Startup

business startup tools

Many people starting a business often overlook the tools and resources they need to get started. They start their business without the necessary tools or resources in hopes that they will figure it out as they go. This is not a good idea because when you launch your startup, you want to be prepared for any situation that could arise. This article will discuss some of the best tools and resources for launching a successful startup.

1. Dropbox

This file hosting service allows you to store your files online, access them from any device, and share them with others. This can be useful for those running a business where they need to share important documents or files with employees or customers. It makes it easy to transfer all of your files without having to worry about losing them or whether you are saving the file in the correct location.

2. Google Analytics

This web analytics tool provides users with detailed statistics about the visitors they receive on their website. It makes it easy to determine which content on your site is working and which one isn’t, as well as track traffic flow patterns. If you are a new startup business, it is essential to track traffic, and web analytics will help you do that.

Also read: 6 Tools That will Help to Boost Your Startup Productivity

3. Crowdfunding

The best way to inject capital for a business startup is through crowdfunding or crowd investing. This popular tool allows anyone, anywhere, to find a way to invest in your business through seed funding and equity investment. Crowdfunding is especially beneficial as it allows you access to a large audience that can help with marketing, product development, and many other aspects of the business.

4. Cloud Storage

You probably don’t want to be one of those companies that lose all of their information because they didn’t have a proper backup system in place. You can find online cloud storage services, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, very helpful for backing up your data, especially if you are a mobile business. These services can make it easy for you to access information from any computer or mobile device.

5. Social Media Management

If you are running a startup, social media marketing is an essential part of your business operation. If you don’t have the time to manage these accounts, several apps can help you manage your pages and get more customers for your startup. If you’re looking for some great tools for managing your social media accounts, for instance, a buffer is a great tool that you can use to schedule social media posts ahead of time.

You can also use it to manage your social media pages by leaving comments on news feeds, replying to messages, and direct messaging customers. It even lets you know what times are best for posting so you can get the most out of your social media accounts.

6. Project Management

Being a startup business owner, there is a lot of pressure to perform and not make any mistakes. You want everything done the first time correctly, and project management software can help you do that. A tool such as Wipster can keep all of your projects on track, so you don’t have to worry about missing anything. It helps you organize your tasks so your employees know exactly what needs to be done, by whom, and when. You can even monitor your time so it doesn’t get wasted on unnecessary tasks.

Also read: Top 5 Advantages of Digital Customer Experience Tools

7. Accounting Software

The last thing any startup business wants is to lose money because they don’t have an accounting system in place or aren’t tracking their spending habits. A tool such as FreshBooks is a great option that can help you keep track of business accounting while being helpful to you and your business. It makes it easy for you to send invoices, schedule payments, and let customers pay their bills online with ease.

8. Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the most essential tools for a startup to have. If you are a small business that manufactures your own products, this tool can be a lifesaver. Inventory management will help with managing all aspects of your inventory from production through sales and withdrawal. You can easily track cost, quantity, sales price, and more. These tools will help you monitor your inventory and make sure you always know where things are in the supply chain. If you don’t have an inventory management tool, I would recommend using QuickBooks for this purpose.

Written by
Anne Davis

Anne Davis is a blogger and online copywriter from the Northwest, Portland to be exact! She relocated to Southern California before college and after majoring in journalism and English she found her way into online blogging and writing. You can reach her anytime at her email or maybe outside on her daily run near the beach!

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