Growth Strategies

Here Are Some Reasons Why Your Conversion Rate is Low

Here Are Some Reasons Why Your Conversion Rate is Low

How confident are you about your business conversion rate? Are you confident that you are a top performer and get more conversions than your competitors? Are you lagging behind? Are you in the middle or behind?

Since you are an average business, I assume that you are. If that is the case, I would be willing to wager that your conversion rate, even if it’s higher than that of your peers, is still not as high as it could be.

What’s a “Good” Conversion Rate, Anyway?

This discussion will begin with a question about “good” conversion rate. It is possible to have a “low” and “bad” conversion rate. But what does this really mean? What is the point at which a conversion rate can go from “bad” or “good?” Is it at 3%? Is it at 5 percent?

The overall conversion rate can be estimated to be between 2-5 percent. This statistic is not significant because the average conversion rate varies based on environmental factors.


  • Industry: Different industries have different conversion rates. When you think about product sales, higher prices tend to be associated with lower conversion rates. This is intuitively logical. More expensive products are more likely to be abandoned or procrastinated with. One industry’s high conversion rate may be another’s poor rate.
  • Channel: Also, you need to consider the channel you are using. Conversions can take place in many different contexts. PPC ads won’t convert at the same rate as email marketing, even though they are running. what is essentially the same content?

You can see that there is a lot of subjective analysis involved in determining averages and what constitutes “good” or not. However, your conversion rate may seem low but might actually be comparable to other businesses in the industry.

You may think you have a high conversion ratio, but it could be very low for the channel you choose.

The average conversion rate for a set of conditions does not tell you what is possible. The average brand might have a conversion rate of 3 percent in a market, while the top brands may see 12 percent.

A 5 percent conversion rate would be considered “above-average” in this context. However, you would still see less than half of the conversions for a top-performing brand.

The Main Reasons Your Conversion Rate is Low

What factors can influence your conversion rate?

You may not be able to control some of these factors. Your potential functionally may be limited if the conversion rate in your chosen industry or channel is low. How can you improve that?

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However, most marketers in most conditions can get more control over their conversion rate by addressing the following problems:

  • Audience targeting dissonance. You must keep your audience in your mind, regardless of whether you are using content marketing or PPC advertising, email, or another channel as your primary source of conversion. Your content will be viewed by a particular audience with different perspectives and values. If your content is not relevant or persuasive, it will fall flat.
  • A weak offer. Many conversions allow for some form of exchange. You might offer a product for money or a PDF for your personal information. People won’t accept an exchange that isn’t favorable. You can attract more people by juicing up your offer with extended discounts, freebies, or other bonuses.
  • A time-intensive process. No matter what age group, users are impatient. People will abandon your conversion process if it takes too much time or is too difficult. To capture more interest and lose fewer people, you can simplify and streamline the process.
  • Unobvious calls to action (CTAs). It’s always surprising to me to see landing pages that don’t clearly indicate the call to action (CTA). You need a prominent, but not too obnoxious, button that people can click to convert more. Sometimes, a simple change to the color or moving the button up in the design is enough to increase conversions.
  • Lack of information. Most people need to be given all the information they can before giving out their personal information and hard-earned cash. People won’t take action if they aren’t clear about the benefits or aren’t sure what you offer. This can be achieved by linking to other information resources or including a long list of benefits.
  • Low trust. Before people will convert, they need to feel comfortable with you. This is especially true if you are a new brand or people don’t know much about your products. You can make this a positive thing by displaying testimonials and customer reviews or highlighting major partnerships that you have secured.

The Importance of Testing for Conversion Rate

Testing is essential if you want to succeed with conversion optimization. You need a lot of experiments and a lot of data to master this art.

Experiments can be a great way for you to test new angles, designs, and copies. Through AB testing, over time you will discover which conversion techniques work best and which ones don’t. This is a way to test your theories and hypotheses. Just because something seems to increase your conversion rate, doesn’t necessarily mean that it will.

It’s also important to test with real users and to use surveys to collect data about their opinions throughout the process. If you find that the majority of users are not interested in purchasing, even though they fit your target customer personas, then try to determine what is stopping them. Is the price too high Do they lack trust?

Conversion rates can be improved almost every day. To do this, you must have a constant, iterative mindset. You can always improve your conversion rates by trying new things or breaking through any plateaus.

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Beyond Conversions

Optimizing for conversions and securing a higher conversion rate is going to be crazy good for your business.

Yes, optimizing for conversions is a great way to increase your conversion rate. But it is not all that you need to think about if you want your marketing and advertising strategies to succeed.

For example:

  • Spending, ROI, and profitability. Your spending, return on investment (ROI) and overall profitability are all important considerations. For example, it doesn’t cost anything to make an organic post on social media, but it could cost hundreds to thousands of dollars for a single ad placement on a sufficiently trafficked channel. Therefore, a high conversion rate on an expensive channel is not as valuable as one with a decent rate on a low-traffic channel.
  • Traffic flow. Your conversion rate will be modified by the flow of traffic on your channel of choice; if your 5 percent conversion rate is consistent, it’s much better to have 10,000 visitors than 1,000 visitors. You can increase your traffic once you have a solid conversion strategy.
  • Reputation and user experience. Also, keep in mind the user experience you’re providing and your reputation as a brand. Although you might be able to get more conversions by using aggressive marketing and spammy tactics, it will not be worthwhile if it is detrimental to your brand’s reputation.

Conversion rate is not everything. It will have an impact on your marketing results, whether it is good or bad. Although this article is short, it doesn’t cover everything that you need to know about optimizing conversion rates. It should help you get started and show you that it is possible to increase your conversion rate.

Written by
Barrett S

Barrett S is Sr. content manager of The Tech Trend. He is interested in the ways in which tech innovations can and will affect daily life. He loved to read books, magazines and music.

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