Growth Strategies

How to Identify and Develop Your Critical Success Factors

How to Identify and Develop Your Critical Success Factors

It is not easy to achieve success in any field. There are always obstacles to overcome and challenges to be overcome. It is easier to determine the steps needed to reach your goals if you have a clear definition of success. You need to identify the steps and create your critical success factors (CSFs).

These CSFs are a list of the key factors that your team must achieve your goals. This blog will explain what success factors are and how to set them up in your business.

What are the Critical Success Factors?

Management consultant D. Ronald Daniel first proposed the concept of CSFs. He defined CSFs to be: “The key areas that must be done right in order for the business’s success. These areas will not yield the desired results, so the organization’s efforts during the period will be reduced.”

CSFs, in essence, are the “things you need to do right” to help your project or business achieve its goals. CSFs acts as a compass and help you guide your team in the right direction, making decisions that will bring you closer to success.

Although there are many critical success factors to consider, they all have one goal: to help you succeed. These are some common CSFs.

  • Increase sales by X%
  • Decreasing your costs by X%
  • Customer satisfaction rates improved by X%
  • Development of new products and services
  • New markets to enter

Also read: 12 Recruiting KPIs to Measure Your Organization Success

KPIs vs. CFS (Critical Success Factors)

These critical success factors may sound like KPIs. There are many methods to measure project success. However, KPIs or CFS are the most common. People often confuse them (it’s not just the acronym). Let’s take a look at these two acronyms to make sure they are clear.

KPIs can be used to measure whether you are meeting your CSFs. If you have a CSF to increase sales by X% then your KPIs are revenue and new customers. CFSs are what and KPIs the how.

The CSFs are more focused on the actions and processes required to succeed in this case. They can help you determine what actions are necessary to achieve your goals. You can see how much you must increase in order to reach your goals.

Different types of critical success factors

There are many important success factors. However, it is possible to break them down into four categories. These factors include Industry factors, Strategic factors, Temporal factors, and environmental factors.

  • Environmental Factors: Environment factors are ongoing activities that occur outside of the company. These are factors the company can’t control or contain. An example of an environmental factor is the current economic state. Businesses will have a harder time succeeding if the economy is in recession.
  • Industry Factors: Industry factors refer to the specific industry your company is involved in. Consumer confidence is one industry factor if you’re a retailer. Low consumer confidence could mean that people will spend less on discretionary items, such as clothes. This would have an impact on your sales.
  • Temporal Factors: Temporal factors are time-based and often linked to specific seasons or events. Although most companies prefer to concentrate on the long-term strategy for their business, it is possible that temporary or short-term events may arise. For example, let’s say your brick-and-mortar business is in construction and you have to close it for a few months. You will need to increase online purchases in order to close the doors. Be prepared to adjust your business accordingly.
  • Strategic Factors: These strategic factors are specific to your business’s strategy. Market share, for example, might be a strategic factor if your company’s strategy is focused on growth. You need to make sure that your team is focused and engaged in growth initiatives if you want to increase market share.

How to set critical success factors

To achieve your business goals, it is important to establish critical success factors. You won’t be in a position to track your progress and identify areas for improvement without them. Here are some tips to help you set CSFs.

  • Work with your team: Brainstorming is a great way for your team to come up with ideas for CSFs. They can also offer valuable insight and perspectives you might not have considered.
  • Keep things simple: Do not try to eat more than you can chew. Start small with CSFs, and build on that.
  • Make it measurable: Each CSF must be measured so that you can track your progress over time.
  • Create goals: Once your CSFs are complete, you can use them to create goals for your team. This will keep everyone motivated and focused on achieving success.
  • Establish responsibility: Designate someone to take care of each CSF. This will ensure they are being managed, executed, and completed.
  • Check and adjust: Regularly review and amend your CSFs, and make any necessary changes. Your CSFs should change with your business.

Also read: How to Boost Employee Morale for A Successful Company

What You Need To Look For Software to Track CSF

Once you have your CSFs and the meeting is over, it’s time to track and monitor your CFS. How do you choose the right software? These are the qualities to look for in a project management program that tracks your CSFs:

  • Ability to set and track goals: This software should enable you to make plans and track your progress over time. This will allow you to see how well your CSFs are being met.
  • Flexibility: Software should be able to adapt to your business’s changes and scales. It is not a good idea to have a system that doesn’t adapt to your business’s growth.
    Reporting: To see your progress at a glance, the software must have powerful reporting capabilities. This is particularly important if multiple people are working on the same CSF.
  • Integrations Software: should be able to integrate with other systems and tools. This will save time and ensure everyone is on the right page.


While there are many factors to consider when setting-up CSFs, these are the most important. You can rest assured that you are on the right track to success. Choose the right software and you can track your progress and make any adjustments that are needed.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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