Software Development

Best 12 Open Source Tools for Natural Language Processing

Best 12 Open Source Tools for Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP), the technology which powers each of the chatbots, voice supporters, predictive text, along with other speech/text software that permeates our lives, has evolved considerably in the past couple of decades. There are a huge array of open-source NLP tools on the market, so I chose to examine the landscape that will assist you to organize your next voice- or text-based application.

With this review, I concentrated on tools using languages I am knowledgeable about, though I am unfamiliar with the tools. (I did not find a fantastic choice of tools in the languages I am not familiar with anyhow.) Nevertheless, I excluded tools in 3 languages I’m familiar with, for a variety of reasons.

The most apparent language I did not include could be but nearly all of the libraries I’ve discovered had not been updated a year ago. That does not necessarily mean that they are not being maintained well, but I believe that they ought to be receiving upgrades more frequently to contend with different tools in precisely the exact same area. Additionally, I selected tools and languages which are most likely to be utilized in production situations (instead of academia and study ), and I’ve largely used R for a research and discovery tool.

I was also surprised to realize that the Scala libraries are fairly stagnant. It’s been a few decades since I last used Scala, as it had been pretty common. The majority of the libraries have not been upgraded since then –or they have just had a couple of upgrades.

Eventually, I excluded C++. This is largely because it has been many years since I wrote in C++, and also the organizations I have worked for have not used C++ to get NLP or some other data science work.

Python tools

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

It would be easy to assert that Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) has become easily the most full-featured instrument of those that I researched. And there is often more than 1 execution for each, which means it is possible to decide on the specific methodology or algorithm you want to use. Additionally, it supports several languages.

But it signifies all information in the kind of strings, which can be good for simple constructs but which makes it difficult to utilize some advanced performance. The documentation is also rather dense, but there’s a good deal of it, in addition to an excellent book. The library can also be somewhat slow in comparison to other tools. In general, this is a superb toolkit for experimentation, exploration, and software that needs a particular combination of algorithms.


SpaCy is most likely the principal competitor to NLTK. It’s faster in most circumstances, but it just has a single execution for every NLP component. Additionally, this helps it incorporate a number of different frameworks and data science tools, which means that you may do more once you’ve got a better comprehension of your text information.

But, SpaCy does not support as many languages as NLTK. It will have a very simple interface using a simplified set of alternatives and fantastic documentation, in addition to multiple neural models for a variety of elements of speech processing and evaluation. In general, this is a superb tool for new applications which have to be more performant in production and don’t require a specific algorithm.


TextBlob is kind of an Expansion of NLTK. You are able to get a lot of NLTK’s works in a simplified mode via TextBlob, and TextBlob also contains performance in the Design library. If you are just beginning, this may be a fantastic instrument to use while studying, and it may be utilized in production for applications that don’t have to be too performant. Overall, TextBlob is utilized all around the area and is excellent for smaller projects.


These tools might have the best title of any library I have ever employed. Say”Textacy” several times while highlighting the”ex” and drawing the”cy.” Not only can it be good to state, but it is also a fantastic tool. It utilizes SpaCy because of its heart NLP performance, but it handles a great deal of the job prior to and after the processing system. In the event that you were likely to use SpaCy, then you may too utilize Textacy so it is easy to bring in many kinds of information without needing to write additional helper code.


PyTorch-NLP was outside for only a little more than a year, but it’s gained a huge community. It’s an excellent tool for quick prototyping. Additionally, it is updated frequently with the most recent study, and leading companies and researchers have introduced a number of different tools to perform all kinds of processing, like picture transformations.

In general, PyTorch is aimed at researchers, but it may also be used for prototype initial production workloads with the most advanced algorithms available. The libraries being made in addition to it may also be worth looking into.

Also read: Top 10 Programming Languages To Become An AI Developer

Node tools


Retext a part of this unified collective. Unified is a port that enables multiple tools and plugins to integrate and operate together efficiently. This is a really intriguing concept, and I am eager to find this community grows. Retext does not expose a good deal of its inherent techniques but rather uses plugins to accomplish the outcomes that you may be aiming for using NLP.

It is simple to do things such as checking text, adjusting typography, detecting opinion, or ensuring text is readable using easy plugins. In general, this is a great instrument and neighborhood in the event that you simply have to get something done without needing to know everything from the underlying process.


Compromise isn’t the most complex tool. If you’re searching for the most innovative calculations or the most comprehensive platform, this probably is not the ideal instrument for you. But if you would like a performant tool that has a large breadth of attributes and can operate on the client-side, you need to have a peek at Compromise.

In general, its title is true because the founders compromised on performance and precision by focusing on a little package with far more special functionality that benefits the consumer comprehension more of the circumstance surrounding the use.


Natural contains most functions you may expect in an overall NLP library. It’s chiefly concentrated on English, but a few other languages are donated, and the neighborhood is open to further gifts. It supports tokenizing, originating, classification, phonetics, length frequency-inverse document frequency, WordNet, string similarity, and also a few inflections.

It may be comparable to NLTK, since it attempts to include everything in 1 package, but it’s a lot easier to use and is not necessarily concentrated around research. In general, this is a fairly complete library, but it’s still in active development and might require an extra understanding of underlying implementations to be completely effective.


Nlp.js is developed on top of many other NLP libraries, such as Franc and Brain.js. It gives a wonderful interface to several elements of NLP, including classification, opinion analysis, originating, named entity recognition, and natural language generation.

Additionally, it supports a number of languages, which can be helpful if you’re planning to operate in something other than English. In general, this is a fantastic general tool using a simplified port into a lot of other fantastic tools. This will probably take you a long way on your software before you will need something more powerful or more flexible.

Java tools


OpenNLP is hosted by the Apache Foundation, Therefore it’s easy to incorporate it into other Apache projects, Such as Apache Flink, Apache NiFi, and Apache Spark. It’s an overall NLP tool that covers all of the frequent processing elements of NLP, also it may be used in the command line or inside an application for a library. Additionally, it has extensive support for a number of languages. In general, OpenNLP is a powerful instrument with a lot of attributes and is prepared for production workloads if you are using Java.


Stanford CoreNLP is a set of tools that provides statistical NLP, profound learning NLP, and rule-based NLP performance. Several additional programming language bindings are produced so that this tool may be used out of Java.

It’s a really strong tool made by an elite research establishment, but it might not be the ideal thing for generation workloads. This instrument is dual-licensed using a distinctive license for business purposes. In general, this is a superb tool for experimentation and research, but it might incur extra costs in a manufacturing system. The Python implementation may also attract many readers over the Java version. Check out it together with other great resources.


CogCompNLP, developed from the University of Illinois, also includes a Python library with similar performance. It may be used to process text, either locally or on remote systems, which may get rid of a huge burden from the regional device.

It gives processing capabilities like tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity tagging, lemmatization, dependence, and constituency parsing, and semantic role labeling. In general, this is a superb tool for study, and it’s lots of elements that you may research. I am not sure it is fantastic for generation workloads, but it is well worth trying in the event that you intend to use Java.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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