
What is the Impact of Technology on the Healthcare Sector

What is the Impact of Technology on the Healthcare Sector

Technology has come a long way and made everyday lives convenient for all of us. Like all other sectors, healthcare has also benefited from technology in the form of better standards and operational efficiency, resulting in an improved experience for both medical professionals and patients.

The following are some top applications in technology that have positively impacted the healthcare sector.

1. Easy Access to Information

One of the major hallmarks of technology is the ability to store, process, and access data. The ability to search and share information rapidly has eased the process of analyzing and operating data. Moreover, Big Data has enhanced the process of research in healthcare. This has allowed healthcare professionals to stay up to date with medical trends and techniques. It can be utilized to identify risk factors and suggest effective treatments based on the data obtained from hundreds of patients, in turn improving the quality of life along with reduced costs.

Medical professionals are also taking assistance from business intelligence applications to make data-driven decisions. By taking a patient’s medical history, these applications use predictive tools to make recommendations. For instance, predicting further treatments or risk of certain diseases in patients.

Also read: Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare: How it is Changing the Industry

2. Better Communication

Like any other organization, health departments and hospitals also face the challenge of ineffective communication between teams, health staff, locations, and departments. Technology has helped innovate the healthcare sector and facilitated smooth communication. Medical personnel is now able to use social media to create awareness about diseases, see patients via video calls, participate in online discussion platforms and retrieve patient history from the database to advise better treatments.

3. Integration of Medical Records

In previous times, a patient’s medical record existed with individual medical departments such as medical specialists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, or dentists. Each department was unaware of its history related to other areas. With the help of technology, electronic medical records have helped to allow all test results, patient histories, diagnoses, and treatments to be integrated and stored in one online location. This helps to provide focused patient care and view the health trends of individuals.

4. Easy Accessibility

Mobile applications have made it easy for patients to access information and manage their health. Patients can now view their test reports online without waiting to get appointments with the doctor. Healthcare applications also give reminders about when it is time for their checkups and how they can book an appointment online.

Similarly, healthcare professionals can access information related to drugs and diseases or clinical images on the go.

5. Automation of Processes

Healthcare is a highly regulated sector. It needs to follow procedures to cater to international health standards for medical and nonmedical processes. Automated workflows and monitoring for routine processes have helped save time for staff to perform duties and improved efficiency. Moreover, sophisticated procedures can also be simplified using contemporary software solutions like those offered by Novarad. By integrating advanced technologies, Novarad has significantly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of medical imaging and diagnostics. To explore their innovative suite of products and solutions, visit https://www.novarad.net/. Similarly, healthcare professionals can receive training through learning management systems or training software programs without having to travel on-site.

Also read: 10 Tips While Handling a Negative Patient Feedback

6. Better Patient Care

Technology has also helped in providing better care to patients. Devices like ventilators, pacemakers, and others can allow for better management of patient health. In case of a problem, any data that is monitored through the device can be communicated to a doctor who can remotely diagnose and suggest treatment. Modern equipment has also helped increase the life expectancy of patients. Doctors can perform high-level surgeries with the help of these devices which was not possible before.

7. Telemedicine and Telehealth

Patients are now able to get in touch with their healthcare professionals from any part of the world. They can get medical help through various telehealth programs from the comfort of their homes. They can check their symptoms, contact a doctor, track medicines, and more.


Technology has made a positive impact in the healthcare sector and more is yet to come. It has helped to improve the lives of patients and doctors alike. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, mobile healthcare apps, blockchain, wearables, and other technological innovations with surely shape the future of healthcare for the better.

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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