
10 WordPress Backup Plugin Tools and Software

WordPress Backup Plugin

A backup plugin for WordPress sites is essential. Website owners must have a backup plugin in place to protect their website from data breaches, security issues, and human errors that could lead to the loss of your site. The consequences of data loss for businesses could be devastating. Backup plugins are the best way to protect your website. We’ve collected the top WordPress backup plugins to protect your WordPress website.

10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress backup plugins are very valuable for your website. This is why it is so important to choose the right one. Look for features that can help you restore your websites such as automatic backup or the ability to restore a backup. There are also multiple cloud storage options, depending on where your data is stored. As you search for a website backup solution, it is helpful to compare WordPress backup plugins.

1. UpDraftPlus

UpDraftPlus has been a trusted WordPress backup tool. It can be used for all your sites. It makes it simple to restore your website with just a few mouse clicks. It also allows you to quickly schedule WordPress backups and offers a variety of advanced tools for protecting your website.

Both premium and free UpDraftPlus versions offer manual backups as well as automated scheduled backups. There are also easy restoration options. Premium versions offer additional backup options and remote storage options.

Pricing: $42 annual fee

Also read: How To Customize Your WordPress Site

2. BlogVault

Blogvault has been praised for its reliable backup plugin. BlogVault is a WordPress plugin that provides secure cloud backups as well as the ability to schedule automatic backups. BlogVault also offers incremental backups. This reduces server load and keeps your website running smoothly. It also offers quick restoration of websites and more to ensure a strong backup process.

Pricing: BlogVault has a free 7-day trial, with pricing starting at $89 for website backup, $149 for backup and security, and $249 for real-time backups and more.

3. Duplicator

Duplicator acts as a backup plugin and a migration plugin. Duplicator allows you to switch between websites easily and without losing any data. It also backs up your entire WordPress site without downtime.

The best backup plugin is Duplicator. It creates backups of websites manually and copies them to make backups whenever needed. The premium version of Duplicator includes automatic backups to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other remote storage locations.

Pricing: Duplicator costs nothing; Duplicator Pro is available for between $69-549 and $69-549, depending on your needs.

4. JetPack Backup

JetPack backup, another popular backup option for WordPress sites, includes many useful features. JetPack Backups offers cloud storage backups and offline restoration and the best WordPress backup plugin. JetPack Backup plugin also includes full backups, an incredible backup feature, as well as a differential option to provide real-time backups.

Pricing: Starts from $9, $11, $47 per month or $47 annually

5. WP Database Backup

WPDB Backup provides a WordPress backup solution for contact information and databases. WP Database Backup provides both an automated backup and a manual option. This plugin allows you to create complete backups of your database and save them on Amazon s3, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

Pricing: WPDB Backup is a free backup plug-in

6. BackWPup

BackWPup has been voted the best WordPress backup plugin. You can automate backups and have unlimited backup archives. BackWPup allows you to create a backup plan that suits you, and then push the backups to off-site storage when needed. BackWPup is compatible with Rackspace Cloud Storage and Amazon S3 to store backups.

Pricing: Starts at $69 and goes up to $349, depending on which package you choose

7. BackupBuddy

Backup Buddy has become a very popular WordPress backup plugin. It’s simple to use and integrates with WordPress. Backup Buddy allows you to create backup schedules for both your WordPress files and website. Backup Buddy will allow you to easily back up your website to offsite storage. You can also monitor server resources to make sure your website is running smoothly. You can easily restore your website from backup if it crashes or is damaged.

Pricing: starts at $80 per year and goes up to $199

8. WP Time Capsule

WP Timesule offers both website backups as well as website staging. It’s the best WordPress backup tool if you are looking for these features. You can use the plugin to perform incremental backups, which will help preserve your website’s resources and speed up site performance. Once the plugin is installed, it will only do an initial backup and then perform a backup whenever there are any new changes to your website. Backup files are smaller and can be backed up immediately. This saves server space.

Pricing: Starts from $49 per year, and can go up to $199 per year.

9. BackUpWordPress

BackUpWordPress is a great choice if you are looking for a plugin that will backup your website for free. BackUpWordPress provides a full backup of your website and allows you to schedule backups as you need them. BackUpWordPress doesn’t support cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive. This might prove to be a limitation for some.

Pricing: Free WordPress backup plugin

10. WPVivid

WPVivid provides a great free WordPress backup plugin. WPVivid allows users to backup, restore, migrate and move their websites with one tool. You can perform complete backups. This includes automatic scheduled backups to offsite storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3. The WPVivid Pro version also offers a premium WordPress backup tool. The pro version offers more customization options for website owners.

Pricing: Starts at $49 and goes up to $149

Also read: 20 Best Free Website Builders for Small Business

What is a WordPress backup plugin tool?

The WordPress backup plugin is used to back up a WordPress website and allow for restoration if necessary. The backup plugin can be added to a website’s WordPress dashboard. It can be used to set up automatic backups using the WordPress backup plugin or can be manually backed up by users.

What are the benefits of backing up your WordPress website?

Backup of your WordPress website is essential, as there are many potential risks, including hacks, data breaches, and server downtime. Here are some reasons it is vital to backup your WordPress website.

  • Data Security: Keeping your data safe is essential for your business. Website backups can help you ensure security. To ensure that all data is protected and accessible in an emergency, you can regularly back up your website.
  • Website restoration in a flash: Websites are constantly at risk, regardless of whether there is a hacking attempt or a random crash. Backups of WordPress websites can help you protect your data and restore your website quickly if it is damaged or crashes.
  • Protect your data from loss: If websites are down or hacked, you can lose access to your site. This can lead to the loss of valuable data. Backups not only keep your site secure but also protect your data from major data loss so you don’t lose any updates or changes.
  • Protect your website from human error: with WordPress backups. Regular backups are a great way to optimize your website’s performance and provide a safety net for changes and updates. Users can restore websites quickly even if they make a mistake.

How do you choose the best WordPress backup plugin for your website?

To choose the best WordPress backup plugin, you need to consider many factors. There are many plugins available on the market. Understanding the differences can help narrow down your choices.

  • Storage options: How can backup files be accessed and where is the backup plugin saving them? Backup plugins that can save to offsite storage locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, and others may be more secure. Some backup plugins don’t offer these features and may save on the same server that the website, which can make them less secure.
  • Pricing: Another factor to consider is pricing. Either you can choose a free WordPress backup plugin with limited functionality but is affordable, or you can opt for a premium plugin that offers more capabilities and costs less depending on your budget.
  • Regular updates: When looking at WordPress plugins it is just as important to check how often the plugin is updated (if any) and how it functions after new updates are made. If plugins don’t get updated or aren’t working well, they can become outdated and present a threat to your site.
  • Manual vs. automatic: Some WordPress backup plugins are simple to use as they are automatically backup and follow a set schedule. While this can be a great option, it can also present risks. Backups that don’t work or aren’t properly configured can lead to data loss and other problems. Although manual backups allow for more control, they can be slow and inefficient if not done by the right teams.
  • Additional features: Depending on your business needs, you may also want to consider other features that the plugin provides. Some plugins provide additional options, such as website staging and migrations. Some plugins are not as appealing because they don’t offer additional features, or add little to the plugin’s functionality.
Written by
Barrett S

Barrett S is Sr. content manager of The Tech Trend. He is interested in the ways in which tech innovations can and will affect daily life. He loved to read books, magazines and music.

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