
PDFs are Hard to Edit, But Not With These 5 Free Apps

PDFs Are Hard To Edit, But Not With These 4 Free Apps

The best PDF editor for students is the one that is free and easy to use without needing to download software or pay subscription fees. Students, in particular, need something that is easily accessible and does not require a lot of experience working with PDFs. There are premium options available but those charge high usage fees and are geared toward people who work with PDFs daily.

The web is full of more useful options for the casual PDF user. PDF editors can also act as educational apps that help students, as well as teachers, become more familiar with the document format so they can explore the full capabilities of the PDF format.

PDF Apps

Lumin PDF is one of the best PDF editors for students as well as teachers. The program is both web-based and available for download for offline use on desktops, laptops, and other devices (including mobile phones). Lumin PDF simplifies the otherwise more complicated features of other PDF tools and PDF editors.

Lumin gives users the ability to view, as well as edit various PDF files by adding or removing text. Users can also leave annotations and comments for other users to see. Collaboration is further enabled by the program’s ability to sync with cloud-based storage platforms like Google Drive so users can see what other users are highlighting or commenting on in real-time.

Apart from those central features, Lumin also offers users a bevy of different premade PDF templates and fillable forms that users can modify to suit their purposes. Whether it is a project proposal or an academic essay, Lumin gives users an unlimited amount of PDFs for them to browse and download.

PDF Edits on a Mac

While it might be necessary to use a specialized PDF editor or PDF tool on certain occasions, many operating systems (including Windows and Mac) feature minor PDF viewing and editing features. Mac users can, for example, make slight changes and edits to PDF files using pre-installed software on Mac devices.

Users can open and view PDFs with the Preview option loaded on most iOS devices. From there, users can also add text, change the style of text as well as add certain elements like drawing a signature or taking a photo of a signature to add to important documents. Macs also let users draw or sketch different elements onto a PDF document without having to install new software or application.

Also read: 3 Top Free Duplicate File finder Apps for Mac

Google Drive

Google Drive is another platform that lets users perform slight alterations to PDF files without needing to download or install a specific PDF editor. Google Drive users can upload and save their PDF files to the platform and then open them in other Google applications like Google Docs.

When opened in Google Docs, users can see the file, but only when they open the document in a Google Docs format can they begin to make changes. The file will open, but important elements like the formatting, layout and design elements like images and graphics will be lost. Importantly, however, the text of a PDF document opened in Google Docs will be able to be changed.

Users can add or remove the text of a PDF document in Google Docs. They can then save those changes by printing or exporting the document to a PDF format, which is an option available to the users who choose to print the file. Once they do so, a new PDF file – complete with the changes made – will be created and available to be sent or downloaded.

MarkUp Mode

An even easier PDF tool for students with iPhones is the pre-installed tool that lets users mark, draw, sketch or add signatures to PDF documents. These tools resemble most other editing features for screenshots, selfies, and other images generated by the iPhone’s camera. Most importantly, users can also edit images that come as attachments in other files like emails or messages.

The toolbar appears after opening the file or taking a screenshot. Among the tools available are the paintbrush, the pen, the pencil, and the eraser. Users can select from among these tools to perform their stated function, whether it is removing text, adding a sketch, or signature. They can then save these changes and create a new PDF file with them.


This free pdf file editor allows you to edit PDF documents to make them more visually appealing. This app is designed for seamless collaborations and is available on any device.

You can easily use this tool with these steps:

  1. Upload your file
  2. Be creative and edit it using the amazing features of this tool
  3. Resave it as a PDF file or you can covert it into JPEG and NPG file
Written by
Ket Ponomarenko

Ket Ponomarenko is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.

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