Growth Strategies

7 Ways That Define You and Your Personal Brand

7 Ways That Define You and Your Personal Brand

There are many entrepreneurs. There are many keynote speakers. There are many marketers and digital strategists, financial advisors, brand executives. But what makes certain of them stand apart is their way of presenting and defining themselves, rather than the “do” they do.

People gravitate towards people, that’s the truth. This is the essence of a Personal Brand. What you Do can be given more color, depth and expression.

How to build a personal brand and how do you define yourself. Here are seven things you should focus on if your goal is to create a personal brand and Define Yourself that is memorable, meaningful and eye-catching.

1. Define Your Voice

I believe that your voice is the most important aspect of any equation. Your Personal Brand will determine how your voice is expressed.

Consider this: Your voice is what you write. Your voice is contained within the instrument you use as a musician. Your voice is in your eyes if you’re a model. Your voice is heard through your speech if you’re an executive or a keynote speaker.

It’s not all about having a good voice. Or even a “great” voice. It’s all about your own voice. It is one that people can recognize when they hear it.

It’s you.

Also read: 7 Effective Ways to Manage Your Online Reputation?

2. Define Your Style

Your voice is a wardrobe. It’s how you present yourself.

Steve Job wore a black turtleneck.

Mark Zuckerberg wore a hoodie.

Again, being on the cover of GQ is not what creating your Style means. It’s more about expressing yourself and what you believe in. Perhaps your style is to wear a bowtie every day. You might wear joggers and long t-shirts. Maybe you look like you just stepped out of an Aston Martin print advertisement. No matter what your style, it’s important to ensure that it matches who you are and attracts the right audience.

Wear what you find comfortable.

3. Define Your Mannerisms

Your mannerisms are an important part of creating a Personal Brand.

Are you more likely to give firm or casual handshakes? Are you able to maintain eye contact with others or are you prone to looking away? Are you able to open the door for those around you? Are you careful about what you say or how you act? Are you able to check your phone every five minutes, or are you present throughout the meeting?

These little details all add up to the bigger picture of who you are, and should not be overlooked.

4. Define Your Network

It is said that dating can be learned a lot from the first time you meet someone’s friends.

What we do with our time and who we associate with is a reflection of us. Personal Branding is about who you work with, collaborate with, share your opinions with, and give your approval.

Remember that you are the sum of the five people who spend the most time in your life. You should be focusing on the people you spend your time with if only to improve your self-esteem.

5. Define Your Habits

Success is a firework. It’s a mountain peak that you touch and then stand on.

Your Personal Brand will not last if it is dependent on one success. A win is only the beginning of a winning streak.

Instead, build a Personal Brand around what you do. What are your daily habits? What’s your morning routine? What is your approach to work? What are your strategies for overcoming obstacles? What motivates you to keep going? What are you doing to practice your craft?

Habits are what make us human and they also help to build our Personal Brand. Don’t base your success on what you have achieved.

Your habits should be incorporated.

6. Define Your Word

No matter what your goals are for creating a Personal Brand, remember that it is built upon you as an individual. This means that you must stand behind what you say. It is important to believe what you say and then follow through.

Do what you promise to your audience. Keep your word on promises. Maintaining trust, honesty, and integrity is key to your connection with your audience.

No matter what, keep your word.

Also read: Brand Identity: What is it? And How to Build A Strong Brand Identity

7. Define Your Consistency

Lastly, if you’re looking for the truth about Personal Branding,

Be consistent.


Because it rewards you, the creator, and your audience.

You learn who you are through consistency. Consistency is what you use to discover your voice, style, mannerisms, and habits. You can improve yourself by being consistent. Consistency is the key to your growth.

You can also build loyalty by being consistent. You can create intrigue and suspense with consistency. You attract more people by being consistent. You can build a real following by being consistent.

None of the above matters if you don’t have consistency. Building a Personal Brand does not mean writing one blog post, then sitting back and taking in the applause.

A Personal Brand is a way of life. It is a promise to yourself to make sure that you share your experiences and knowledge as you go along your own journey through life.

This means you should share your knowledge with your audience every day.

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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