
Top 11 Enterprise Password Management Solutions

Enterprise Password Management Solutions

Let’s imagine that it is Monday morning and you just got back from a relaxing weekend at work. You are ready for the week with a cup of coffee in hand, but then you realize that you have been mysteriously locked from all your accounts. You need an enterprise password management solution.

Did the system administrator request a password change? Did you accidentally cut a LAN cable?

It’s like feeling a pit in your stomach, and then suddenly realizing that your passwords are stolen or compromised.

Who has access to your account information, your data, and your personal information? Worse, how did they gain access to your security?

Password protection is vital to digital security in this age of identity theft, corporate espionage, and security breaches. Enterprise password management software has become a requirement for any IT organization.

60% of small to medium-sized companies are at risk from cyber-attacks at one point or another. The National Cyber Security Alliance states that most companies close down within six months of an attack.

What is a Password Manager?

Password managers can be used to securely manage users’ personal information. Online, we all input our personal information, including our bank logins, social security numbers, and e-mail passwords. Many users have multiple accounts. Business team members may have hundreds of accounts. Each one of them is protected by usernames and the associated passwords.

It can be difficult to remember all these details, as we all use different passwords for each account.

Enterprise password managers remove the responsibility of remembering each login from the user. These services are often free or low-cost, targeted, and meet the needs of one consumer.

They operate quietly in the background. A prompt is displayed to the user when they create or use a new account. Most often, the prompt will ask for the user’s password to be saved. Once data is collected, it is logged and stored in a vault. The password vault manager encrypts all data.

Managers are able to recognize weak and duplicate passwords. If the password is registered as such, managers will prompt the user either to create a stronger password or generate a random stronger key.

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Why You Need Enterprise Password Management?

A single user’s password can suffice with an average consumer-level password. Enterprises have higher security standards.

IT staff require a central point for collection or a team password manager in the event that a user is denied access. Administrators should also be able to manage shared accounts details and set and revoke permissions. Enterprise-level managers have the ability to store any type of data. This includes login details. Some options can store files in all formats.

Server administrators can be relieved of a lot of the work they have to do by using the right software. Regular interruptions are a common problem for IT administrators. The team members may forget their passwords and can reset their passwords easily. Many of these functions are performed automatically by corporate password managers.

Dangers of Leaving Password Management to Employees

It can be dangerous to allow users to select their passwords and management software.

One device can access hundreds of accounts’ passwords. Strong passwords are required for every account, from Twitter to Hootsuite and LinkedIn to MailChimp. Users must create their own password storage and security methods without relying on a centralized approach.

It can be dangerous for users to choose how to implement password protocol.

Many times, team members will use unsecure methods to store information such as Excel spreadsheets and.doc files. This is a much more dangerous way to have passwords stolen than using the right software.

Others may choose to use their personal software. This may be a way for management to provide protection at no additional cost.

However, single users don’t have the ability to manage group passwords. They also don’t always have to adhere to company protocols when it comes to passwords. They could also leave the company with their corporate login details. These are legitimate security concerns. These are the best practices.

Enterprise Software Features to Look For In a Password Management Solution

Enterprise software allows you to separate personal, single-use accounts from shared information.

Access to central dashboards is one of the greatest features of enterprise password managers. These dashboards enable security officers to monitor user activity and aggregate data. Many dashboards include visualization tools to make it easier for security officers to monitor user behavior and security practices.

It is possible to strengthen and improve your password practices by studying user behavior.

Let’s take a look at the top password management software available for enterprises.

To help you evaluate different platforms, we will outline criteria. These criteria include compatibility with which operating systems and hardware, cost, security, features, ease-of-use, and price.

Best Enterprise Password Management Software

1. LastPass Enterprise

Premium edition for businesses that uses the popular free software. LastPass allows users to create and store an unlimited number of logins within a master vault. The vault can only be accessed by two-factor or multi-factor authentication.

The vault protects text notes as well as passwords. Secure data syncing allows users the ability to keep the same credentials and security across different platforms. The developer’s website allows users to access the vault from any device.

LastPass uses a growing number of phishing sites. Users are less likely to expose such websites. Administrators can also export encrypted data. It is easy to move to another software option if you wish.

Premium edition provides additional cloud protection for all types of files. Contingency access allows a team member to use your account when you’re not there. LastPass may not be the best choice for large teams without additional support for shared accounts.

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2. Dashlane

Dashlane has many of the same features that LastPass Enterprise Edition. Accessible browser window interface now makes it possible to use team account management software. Others may prefer to download the software package. It is also easy to use.

Active Directory integration allows you to easily share Dashlane across your business network. The bulk password changer is one of the best resources available. This feature allows you quickly to change large numbers of data in the case of a breach.

However, Dashlane’s price is higher than some of the other options. This may not be an option for every company. This edition allows unlimited sharing and sync between devices and teams. It was rated the best enterprise password manager.

3. Keeper Security

Keeper Security For Business is a mobile-friendly alternative to other platforms. It works on many platforms and has a special focus on responsive design. It offers an enterprise password vault that can store all types of files, including passwords, like LastPass and Dashlane.

Keeper Security’s versatility across platforms is one of its greatest strengths. There are versions available for Android, iOS, and Blackberry. Access management is made easy by the centralized vault, which allows for access to all platforms using the same credentials.

Keeper Security includes Active Directory integration as well as an admin control panel. The panel allows you to quickly provision users, among other things. You can easily distribute passwords and have them revoked.

4. Centrify Enterprise

You can expect many of the same features from most password managers to this option. These include password generation, autofill, password capture, and password autofill. Centrify can be used to capture and monitor data across accounts.

Centrify stores a lot of user data. Logs include logs that show the number of login attempts, valid log-ins, and unusual activity.

Administrators can create reports for each session. This summary collects all activity from an entire enterprise. Centrify also allows you to create reports that are based on different roles. It is a useful tool to inspect security practices at work.

5. CommonKey | Team Password Manager

CommonKey can be a cost-effective solution for small businesses. This solution is primarily focused on password protection and does not include secure data storage. You can also get user provisioning and shared accounts.

The platforms it can be used on are what limits its capabilities. CommonKey is a Chrome security extension. It is only compatible with websites and services. Passwords to local software cannot be saved.

A risk could also be present in the local encryption used by an application. Hackers could see encryption methods and attempt to break them by exposing vulnerabilities. This would effectively expose all your information.

For larger businesses that have more stringent password requirements, it may be a good idea to look for alternative solutions. It can be reliable for smaller teams that rely upon websites and web apps.

6. RoboForm For Business

RoboForm Business provides centralized protection for an entire team. It also includes a site license that stores and manages all passwords within the company.

RoboForm allows you to securely provision shared passwords. The admin console makes it easy to manage different users.

Users can be managed as individuals or members of role-based groups. Role-grouping is a great way to save time when working with large departments. Administrators can use advanced reporting to make sure that employees adhere to company policies.

7. Pleasant Password Server

Open-source password manager. A pleasant password server allows tech-savvy users to fully customize their approach for improving password security. It includes active directory integration, just like many enterprise editions.

Managers are not responsible for the storage and encryption of sensitive data. In the event of a data breach, The password management server on the client will be protected.

The refined folder system makes it easy to group large amounts of data. Administrators can use this data for reports that are compatible with shared accounts or role-based management. It can create reports that include password strength, expiration, age, and other information.

8. BeyondTrust

BeyondTrust Password Management offers powerful data tools in addition to the standard features. Auditing and session logging allows for greater security monitoring across the entire team.

Password manager active directory integration and LDAP integration allow for automatic provisioning. Management features can be used with local appliances that have government-level security. It is not just for web applications and websites.

BeyondTrust offers one of the most comprehensive and complex reporting modules available. This module allows you to track login attempts across your entire team. These reports can be used to verify regulatory compliance in the event of a breach.

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9. ManageEngine

This is one of the most widely used enterprise-level password security software. ManageEngine Pro password management tool includes the option to allow multiple admins. This option will increase the cost of the package.

Active Directory integration and data sync make it easier to manage multiple accounts. It doesn’t support mobile devices but it includes additional forensic tools. The compliance report generation feature is the most important, as well as video logs of sessions. It is a great tool for inspecting security practices within your team.

10. ZohoVault Online Password Manager For Teams

This software is only compatible with mobile devices. Although it sounds restrictive, ZohoVault offers a surprising array of features to its platform.

Administrator access, management of user groups, and smooth password transferal are all included. This allows you to create reports about user activity and allows you to access more detailed provisioning tools. Administrators can also restrict IP addresses to access, in addition to limiting access for specific users. You can block members of your team who use unauthorized devices to access passwords. It is enterprise password vault software for corporate.

Zoho is more than just a mobile centralized manager. It integrates with LastPass and other password managers such as Zoho. Zoho can be used by companies to effectively extend their enterprise password management to portable devices. This is also one of the most affordable solutions.

11. 1Password Business

While 1Password is not yet an enterprise-level product, they are a popular consumer program that AgileBits recommends. They recently expanded their subscription-based service for larger groups (replacing Teams Pro).

1Password Business offers the same features for larger teams. It provides the tools you need to secure your data and protect your employees. AgileBits has written a blog introducing the product. “Your administrators will love it for its control, and your employees for how easy it makes it to use,” says AgileBits.

AgileBits moved away from licensing-based pricing and introduced subscription pricing in 2016. Although this may seem like a deterrent to some businesses, depending on your company’s size, subscription pricing could prove more cost-effective over the long term.

1Password remains geared towards small businesses and group users. However, the new Business plan provides enhanced customer support, more document storage per person, and more guest accounts. It is worth considering in your research.

Choosing the Best Enterprise password management solution

Recent data breaches have been committed by unauthorized users of passwords.

Each of the above options has a strong reputation for maintaining high-security standards. It is important to centralize your password management. Your organization’s needs will determine the solution that you choose.

Written by
Delbert David

Delbert David is the editor in chief of The Tech Trend. He accepts all the challenges in the content reading and editing. Delbert is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging content marketing.

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