Software Development

4 Key Features of A Help Desk Software

4 Key Features of A Help Desk Software

When thinking of a Help Desk software, the first thing that comes to mind is an intuitive user interface, solid error recovery and reporting, and rich reporting options. A Help Desk Software should focus on assisting its users and resolving problems.

Let’s look at a software program’s key features to see if it’s the right help desk software for you.

1.  Automated Ticketing Workflows

Automated ticketing (AT) workflow is crucial to any help desk software. Automating the ticketing process makes it easier for providers to respond to user support requests and also allows them to save time by not having to enter data and perform some administrative tasks manually.

There are many different types of automated ticketing workflows. You could have a team that automatically creates tickets, assigns them to teams, and sends emails with the latest ticket information.

This allows you to focus on the issues the users are experiencing instead of managing the ticketing workflow manually. You can create “workflows” that generate reports such as the ticket’s information, the Severity, and actions taken on the tickets.

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2.  Service Level Agreement

SLAs are pretty standard in today’s world, but they have their origin in the 90’s when Managed Service Providers (MSPs) first started to emerge. MSPs were the first and still are the most common type of Help Desk software providers. They’re highly-specialized technicians who will manage everything for you from start to finish.

But some MSPs have begun to offer their services as “Help Desk Software”, which means they’ll only manage the Help Desk part of your operation and leave you with all the other administrative tasks like proper set-up documentation and training materials. This is usually the case when the actual number of support calls per day is relatively low, and they want to avoid clogging up the Help Desk with too many tickets.

3.  Customization Options

Help Desk software allows you to create custom solutions for specific problems. You can create solutions for your organization’s needs. You could create a special Help Desk software that’s only available within your organization and won’t be available to the general public.

This allows you to concentrate on your core business and avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

You can even create “help desks” that allow users to start a ticket with questions about general IT topics or specific departments. If your organization does a lot of traveling, you could create a software program that only supports travel help desks so your employees can quickly find support when they’re abroad.

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4.  Self-Service

Sometimes, you only want to open a ticket and let the software handle the rest. For example, if you have a support request that involves a video question and answer, you might want to upload the file to your website and let the software handle the rest. But sometimes, you might also want to hand off the ticket to a real person so they can handle it more efficiently.

This is where self-service help desks come into play. With self-hosted helpdesk software, you can let users post issues and get real-time assistance using a simple online form.

You can even let users leave “how-to guides” for everyday tasks like “how to set up your new printer?” If you employ individuals who have little or no tech experience, self-service help desks can be a great way to ease their transition to the support desk.

A good Help Desk software program should be easy to use, feature a rich set of features, and offer easy-to-use tools for administrators and users alike. It should also be able to integrate well with your other IT services, so you don’t have to spend time learning new tools.

When deciding which help desk software to use, make sure that it meets these criteria. If it doesn’t, you may want to look elsewhere.

Written by
Barrett S

Barrett S is Sr. content manager of The Tech Trend. He is interested in the ways in which tech innovations can and will affect daily life. He loved to read books, magazines and music.

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