Growth Strategies

14 Creative Marketing Ideas for Improve Your Business

creative marketing ideas

Are you stuck on ideas? Perhaps you need some help in getting the ball rolling. It happens. Here are some ideas to help you add some spark to your creative marketing ideas.

You have to stand out from the crowd of thousands of ads that are being displayed every day to people.

How can you create creative marketing ideas?

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you start writing blog posts and getting the word out via social media, it is important to know who your target audience is. After all, your target audience is the person you want to sell your product/service to. It is important to first understand your target audience and their needs.

Marketing conversations almost always include the topic of “target audience” and “buyer persona”. This is because it is so important. Every marketing campaign should have an audience as a foundation. Otherwise, you would be spending advertising dollars blindly on people with no interest in your product.

There are many benefits to creating personas. These personas help you to better understand your ideal customer, the touchpoints they will use throughout their buyer journey, and the problems your brand needs to solve. These steps are crucial to ensuring a positive ROI for your marketing efforts.

2. Give your campaign a theme

A strong marketing campaign should be consistent in its message and messaging. This will create a visual style that your target audience recognizes. All of these assets should contain the same message or similar message and use the same color scheme.

No matter where your content is posted, it should have a consistent theme. Your audience should be able to recognize your brand from a glance.

3. Brand Awareness Through Educating

Education is a key component of any brand’s creative marketing. If your company is a thought leader in the industry, leads will gravitate to your brand. This requires you to post informative content on industry trends and key concepts both on your website as well as social media.

Customers should be able to find information about your industry through your content. Use your story to build an emotional connection with your audience. Your brand will feel more approachable if it is made to be relatable.

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4. Check out these new channels

There are many ways and places to market your brand, and the creative marketing landscape is constantly changing. Brands must adapt to the changing platforms that are available.

TikTok is a social media app that’s on the rise. Brands have adapted their messaging and campaigns to suit its short-form video format.

If you have had success with a channel in the past it is a sign you should keep creating content for it. Keep engaging people by posting diverse content on this channel. People should interact with you and ask questions about your products or services.

5. Brand Ownership

Brands spend a lot of money and time to make their brand feel like a lifestyle. This extends beyond the marketing campaign, which encourages interaction with your brand. Customers who purchase your product or services may become brand ambassadors. These are people who feel passionate about your brand and want to promote it in their own circles. This can be a powerful and free marketing tool.

Once you have created your marketing campaign and started to roll it out, it is not your responsibility anymore. Customers can take your message and change it in any way they like. Customers should take ownership of your message and spread it to others. This is the best outcome.

This concept is called “psychological ownership” by the Journal of Consumer Research. It refers to when consumers feel so invested that they become an extension of their product.

Standout examples of creative and successful marketing ideas

Sometimes it is a good idea to learn from other people. These examples show brands looking outside of the box to engage their customers in marketing and daily operations. It’s about creating original content that engages viewers.

These marketing strategies are creative and can be used to get customers excited about your brand. They may inform them about the industry or give them ownership of the brand. These ideas all share a common thread: meaningful content.

Potential customers should feel that they can approach your brand and your product/service through this content. It can be done on a variety of platforms.

6. Instagram Stories: Get Behind the Scenes

Instagram is a great platform to share photos that humanize your brand and have fun. This is particularly important for B2B businesses that often have very professional or impersonal advertising campaigns.

GE, a B2B company that is primarily focused on B2B, shared a glimpse into their 2016 behind-the-scenes project. The company uploaded photos to their IG Story shortly after Instagram Stories launched. These pictures showed team members collecting data from active volcanoes.

Their audience was captivated by the visuals, and they were intrigued by the project. GE took advantage of this opportunity to encourage viewers and others to follow its social media accounts. B2B companies can also offer factory tours or other information that their customers may be interested in.

7. Use User-Generated Content to Share and Repost

You may see your brand’s social media presence grow and users will tag your account in their posts to Instagram or Twitter as they use your product. This is especially important for B2C brands.

Businesses have the opportunity to make their followers’ posts their Instagram Stories. You will be notified when your account has been tagged on social media and you can use their content to create your Story. This will allow viewers to see how your product works from the perspective of a real user.

To show your followers the product in action, you could quote-retweet their tweet on Twitter.

B2B companies can also share user-generated material in the form of case studies and customer testimonials.

8. Ask your followers about their preferences

One of the best features of social media platforms is the ability for users to ask questions directly and get instant feedback through polls.

In 2018, Burger King Spain made use of this tool and asked their followers to create their own burgers using an Instagram question sticker and poll.

The company included a giveaway as well. Participants in the poll were given a code that could be used to redeem their “custom” hamburger in-store. Burger King also sold an “Instagram Whopper” during a limited period based on overall poll results. This campaign was hugely successful and shows how businesses can engage customers with an Instagram Story poll.

You can also post a Story highlight from another brand with an emoji slider or poll to get direct feedback from consumers about a campaign or new product.

9. Promote Your Website Content

While you may go to great lengths to create content for your website’s site, the truth is that many people won’t see it. This includes your followers.

You should also share and repurpose content from your website on social media. Shopify did this on their Instagram Story. They presented the information in a visual manner.

Instead of writing a paragraph, or showing a preview of your blog post, post the title or compelling statistic that will encourage readers to read more. The text and custom image will grab the attention of viewers and make them want more.

Instagram allows you to easily link to your website through your Story with buttons. It takes just one click to convert a viewer to a visitor to your website.

10. Start a podcast

Everybody and their mother seem to be starting podcasts these days, and with good reason. Podcasts are a hugely popular media format.

Everybody has a podcast that they love, regardless of whether it is storytelling or discussing the latest happenings within a particular industry. LexiaTalks is one example. the company helped Lexia Learning create its own podcast, LexiaTalks, for more than a decade.

LexiaTalks interviews education experts who offer insight on a variety of topics that are relevant to educators, learners, and the educational infrastructure.

Podcasts are a great source of content and can provide ideas for posts on social networks. They can also drive traffic to your website. A long-form podcast can be easily turned into audio clips to promote on Instagram. You could also pull quotes from the show for a discussion on LinkedIn.

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11. Video Content

creating video content for your business includes video blogs, product videos, tutorial videos, and video interviews. There are many options available, so it can be difficult to choose the right one for you. Inspiration by others is a great way to get started.

Adobe is a well-known brand when it comes to creating almost any type of content. It seems to be most popular when it comes to video production.

Adobe created a talk show that featured big-name creators. It showcased their creative process and what inspired them, as well as any advice or tips they might have. Adobe’s B2C and mixed B2B audiences were able to see the value in these well-respected voices.

This content is not intended to be an advertisement but a representation of the brand’s mission of inspiring creativity. Adobe products are a great way to help you achieve that creativity.

This story is also a great example of how to use a platform that we have yet to mention: YouTube. Adobe hosted the video series on YouTube rather than their website. This not only makes it easier to access, but also allows them to take advantage of the direct link between YouTube videos, and how they are made. They can speak directly to their audience.

Video is one of the most engaging contents that brands can create. Try different formats if one doesn’t work for you. It all comes down to choosing the one that best showcases your product or service.

Create a more unique digital marketing strategy for your business

There are many ways to market your brand. There are many ways to market your brand, including blogs, social media, and email newsletters as well as cold calls and cold calling. How do you market your brand creatively so that customers remember it long after they have viewed a piece?

It’s not so simple. These are some creative marketing ideas that will help you change your marketing strategy.

12. Have fun with your voice

Take a look at the posts you are posting on social media. Your tone should not be stoic or serious, even though it isn’t necessary. This could discourage interaction and may even cause you to lose your followers. This is true even if you only use social media to promote products and services. Regular advertisements particularly paid promotions, don’t encourage interaction.

Ask questions, joke with your audience, and share memes. Encourage discussion on the most recent trends in your industry. This makes you more relatable and encourages people to follow you.

13. Place the right marketing on the right platform

Social media is essential for any marketing campaign. However, not all social media platforms work the same. A platform may work better than another.

Instagram loves photo-centric posts because they are visually-oriented. If you are selling a product that is used in particular situations, creating visually appealing content can be a boon.

While Facebook and Twitter allow you to upload photos, the main focus is on text. Twitter is a great place for short-form conversation with your audience, answering questions, or simply posting relevant memes. Twitter is all about interaction. Those who use it appreciate openness and quick wit.

LinkedIn is for professionals. LinkedIn is for the professional side of things. It can help you position yourself as a thought leader within your industry and foster discussion that can propel your industry forward.

While certain content works better on different platforms than others, you should keep your tone and message consistent. This means that you need to ensure your brand is consistent no matter where your content is posted.

14. Look to Your Calendar for Inspiration

Your calendar can serve as a great source of inspiration for your next marketing campaign, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or the Winter Holiday Season. Even minor holidays, such as National Doughnut Day, can provide content ideas.

You can mark your content calendar with holidays you might use on your channels. Then it’s time for planning. Consider changing the theme of your social media accounts around Halloween to something orange and black. You can also make your logo with jelly dough filling and wish all your followers Happy National Doughnut Day.

Look for events in your industry to let your audience know your company will attend. Perhaps you are a bike company and there is a cycling convention near your area. Your brand could advertise its presence at the convention, sponsor a panel or have a booth.

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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