Today, business needs software for any purpose. HR processes are no exception. As modern technology advances rapidly, business automation is gradually expanding, so HR processes should be in the spotlight.
HR processes occupy a significant part of the working day of an HR manager. However, most of this time can be freed up if various manual HR management tasks are automated with appropriate tools. HR processes occupy a significant part of the working day of an HR manager. However, most of this time can be freed up if various manual HR management tasks are automated with appropriate tools. Implementing an advanced HR system software like Zelt can significantly enhance automation, reducing administrative burdens and allowing HR teams to focus on strategic growth initiatives. Process automation frees up about 40% of the working time of HR specialists. This means they can devote more resources to strategic tasks, such as recruiting, onboarding, employee training, and support, which makes employees feel valued, confident, and stable.
However, how to choose the best HR management system that will solve all your HR-related challenges in the plethora of software solutions? Based on the expertise of the reliable software implementation provider, let’s take a look at the best HR management tools and practices for 2022 to help you get things done faster and better, as well as learn how automating HR processes can help you improve your performance.
Types of HR Management Solutions
When it comes to describing HR software, the world of technology offers three main types: human resources information system (HRIS), human resources management system (HRMS), and human capital management (HCM). Although they’re usually interchangeable, let’s figure out their differences.
HRIS and HRMS are closely connected and perform the same functions. As a rule, an HRMS centralizes the HR organizational structure and processes, providing a single solution for managing people, procedures, and policies. The system enables:
- Payroll
- Attendance and working hours management
- Creating work schedules
- Vacation programs
- Social benefits management and administration
- Employee self-service
- Recruitment (applicant tracking system)
- HR analytics
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HCM offers the same functions as an HRMS does but with the main addition 一 workforce planning and integration with customers’ CRM and ERP systems. Among other capabilities are the following:
- Entire recruitment cycle, including candidate relationship management
- Onboarding resources
- Tools for evaluating employee performance
- Learning management tools
- Salary calculation and planning
- Deep analytics to improve employee performance
- HR planning.
Major HR Management Software Features
HR process management software can include many modules that perform different functions. Since the HR department usually performs two main scopes of work: attracting new talents and managing employees, let’s divide core features into employee management-oriented and recruiting-oriented. The following are valuable features for an effective hiring process.
Automating repetitive tasks
With advanced technology, HR software solutions can automate many routine HR tasks such as managing employee information, tracking attendance, and processing payroll, freeing up valuable time for HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. Hence investing in HR software is a smart move for any organization looking to enhance its workplace operations and stay ahead in today’s competitive business environment. Sense HR is one such solution suitable for streamlining HR processes which helps upgrade your workplace to be smarter and more efficient. To learn more about Sense HR software visit this page and discover advanced modules such as people onboarding, compliance, online HR files, task reminders, and alerts.
Features for recruiting processes
Testing and skill assessment
A preliminary assessment of applicants’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and other qualifications helps to select the best candidate. Thanks to a wide range of tools, including ones for online interviews, you can create technical tasks to help recruiters evaluate the skills of specialists. In addition, the software helps to predict employee performance and plan employee retention. That is why HR skills testing software is in high demand.
Recruiting and CV processing
Applicant tracking systems are one of the largest categories of resume processing and recruiting software. Their functionality allows you to choose candidates by analyzing all the information about them. Equipped with modern technologies such as AI, the system quickly processes incoming requests and optimizes other HR department tasks, significantly saving employees time.
Online interviews
Video interview software is an essential piece of technology required for recruiting. Such solutions usually include all the necessary tools for online interviewing and providing personalized emails or texts to candidates. Notification functions will help not only you but also the interviewee not to forget about the upcoming interview.
Once an employee is hired, they need to go through the onboarding process. For the employees to have a positive impression of the first working day, you can offer them to get acquainted with the company through an interactive system. A structured knowledge base with all the company’s materials will help the employee to get instructed with helpful information: team rules, work schedule, corporate traditions, security rules, holiday policy, document templates, as well as receive training on the product, system, or soft skills development.
Features for employee management
The most powerful asset and competitive advantage of any company are its people. To get the most out of your company’s human resources, you need effective work programs and HR services. Let’s see what modules can help you with this.
Time, attendance, and leave management
With the transition to remote work, monitoring attendance has become almost impossible. In this case, how to keep track of working days and correctly calculate salary?
A good time and attendance management system enables accurate payroll reporting. Such features allow employees to access their schedules, view vacation hours, and submit day-off requests. As a result, all work processes are transparent: the HR department is always aware of whether an employee is working, and employees do not have to find out why they were paid the wrong amount.
Also read: How to Choose a Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
Training management
The availability of career opportunities 一 is one of the main criteria for choosing a company for many employees. To ensure your top performers don’t get frustrated by hitting their career ceilings, it’s important to provide all the necessary tools for continuous learning.
Your training system should be user-friendly and include only up-to-date data, allowing you to study online and offline from any device. Don’t forget to add midterm tests to assess employees and identify knowledge gaps.
Employee self-service
Do you still keep records in Excel spreadsheets? Create a single database that will allow the HR department to complete necessary employee documentation, access relevant files, and view data related to health insurance, corporate benefits, payroll, etc. This will save a lot of time and improve productivity.
HR analytics
To maximize the performance of your employees, you should first understand what is happening in the company. Use the HR analytics function for that. Why do employees leave for other companies, why are projects not implemented on time, and why employees’ productivity is suffering 一 feedback from direct participants in all processes will help you find answers to these questions and identify weaknesses and strengths.
Why You Need a Tech Partner
In the long and short run, HR management software enables your HR staff to:
- Reduces the amount of routine work and frees up time for new tasks.
- Streamline the hiring process.
- Organized reporting.
- Receive access to the database with the data of all candidates.
- Allows analyzing employee productivity.
- Create transparency and control over the recruitment budget.
However, simply purchasing HR management software may not be enough to achieve these results. The ideal option is to develop a custom solution or customize a ready-made one. Tech experts will analyze all your processes and create a product that will include all the necessary features to meet any of your needs.
However, if you want to take your employee management strategy to the next level by improving your overall experience with HR managers and the expertise of your employees, but have a limited budget, contact a turnkey solution integrator. At the same time, remember that every dollar invested in innovation today is a hundred dollars saved tomorrow.
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