Growth Strategies

From High Tech to Low Tech: Law Firm Marketing Solutions

Law Firm Marketing

Not every law firm does the kind of business that is conducive to being splashed around on billboards and sold through rhyming jingles. It’s easy to snag people’s attention if the firm can brag about huge settlement amounts. However, most firms do more serious and less glamorous work.

It’s not as easy to write a catchy tagline about helping a client write a solid contract that kept them from being sued, negotiate a successful business deal, or help make sure a client stayed in compliance with changing legislation. The words ‘discretion’ and ‘meticulous’ isn’t easy to rhyme with!

More complex work requires a more sophisticated marketing campaign. In an ideal setup, law firms should balance the power and calculating might of some of the excellent technology solutions available on the market with the hands-on care and attention to personal interaction that really helps solidify a firm’s brand.

Use technology for law firm marketing when it comes to following up with the right clients, tracking and managing the relationship, and understanding the firm’s profits, losses, and trends. Think low-tech when it comes to establishing the feel of the firm. Things like how employees communicate with clients, the attitude the firm has, and where it places its emphasis and resources have to be made on the ground by the humans who work in the firm.

Also read: Why Law Firms Need SEO

Following Up with the Right Clients

Once the firm’s team has identified potential clients, good quality marketing software can ensure that the firm stays in touch with those leads, without overwhelming them

with too much of a hard sell. Look for email software that offers two key features. First, keep an eye out for what’s known as drip email capability.

Drip emails are targeted to send the right kind of marketing email at the right time. That means the firm will keep the potential new client interested and reminded of the firm’s services, without annoying them with too many emails, too often, and not on topic.

The second must-have feature is that the emails themselves need to be visually appealing. Most people read emails all day and don’t relish reading yet another wordy message, especially one they are not obligated to read. If the firm’s email is just a letter, it’s likely to get tossed in the trash, unread.

On the flip side, giving would-be clients something pleasant to look at, gives the clients an opportunity to take a ten-second break in their days, something they’d enjoy.

Attractive email marketing is also memorable and a good way to build a brand.

Tracking and Managing Client Relationships

Once the firm has engaged with a client, technology can make tracking and managing that relationship simple. Say goodbye to missing opportunities. Legal marketing software should provide the firm with CRM capabilities.

CRM is short for Client Relationship Management. High-quality CRM software will track where each client is in their case, or in developing their business, and then prompt the firm to reach out ahead of critical moments. Personalized communication gets better results.

Understanding the Firm’s Profits, Losses, and Trends

What type of clients is most profitable for the firm? What types of cases tend to generate more cases and clients? Which email campaigns yielded the best results? If the firm is going to dedicate time and money to marketing, it should be able to learn what kind of marketing works.

Once it’s clear what type of marketing and strategies get financial results, the firm should refine its techniques to do more of what breeds success. Marketing technology for law firms should include the ability to pull and analyze marketing, sales, and income data with ease.

Also read: 5 Ways Technology Can Help Your Law Firm Make More Money Today

Feel Of the Firm

Employees and how they interact with clients are the fuel that makes the marketing machine run. Marketing should match and highlight what makes the firm unique, or a good fit for the potential clients. Consider these questions about the feel of the firm.

Is the firm known for being highly professional, clinical, or compassionate? Are the firm’s services geared toward laymen or complex businesses? Is the firm’s communication style casual, highly formal, or somewhere in between? How does the firm celebrate client wins? What events and functions does the firm attend? This is all very low-tech, but it’s also vital to establishing and maintaining a clear brand.

Law Firm Marketing Summary

There is no reason for partners to make financial or top-level marketing decisions solely by gut instinct anymore. Partner great software that will help the partners make the right choices with a deep understanding of what the firm really delivers in terms of quality and feel.

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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