Growth Strategies

Nutra in Native Ads: Tips and Life Hacks of 2023

Nutra in Native Ads

Traffic affiliate marketing is a vast field with many verticals, so it can be difficult for novice affiliate marketers to choose a profitable niche. The nutra vertical still remains one of the most stable and profitable niches promoting health and beauty products.

Nutra’s popularity is easily explained: weight loss powders, ointments for joint pain, antifungal creams, potency products and other offers from this category will never cease to be in demand among most buyers in various parts of the world. Native format is one of the effective promotion methods for nutra advertisers.

Native format basics

The native format is great for working in a nutra affiliate program if the advertiser cares about the brand’s reputation. Unlike direct methods of promotion, native advertising is less aggressive, because it disguises itself as the content of the resource on which it is placed. This makes ads less intrusive, which increases the level of loyalty and trust of the audience.

As a traffic source for native promotion of nutra offers, you can use:

  • News resources are materials on such sites that are published according to editorial rules so that advertising looks as natural as possible, and the content is useful for readers.
  • Blogs can be used as a platform if the theme of the promotional material and the offer are organically related to the content of the blog.
  • Social networks where native ads can be placed on a personal page or pages of thematic communities.
  • Opinion leaders are people who are trusted by a large audience and the native format allows you to disguise an advertising message, linking it to the personal experience of such a person.
  • Native ads are ad units or widgets on the site that are visually similar to the resource’s editorial content.

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Choosing the right type of offer

Before you start working in the CPA affiliate network, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of offers and their payment models. If we talk about native advertising, nutra offers should not be promoted through direct sales, where the buyer must pay directly on the site. This can cause distrust in the audience and significantly spoil the conversion.

Therefore, nutra affiliate programs most often use offers based on the COD and Trial models.

Cash-On-Delivery is a payment model in which the user places an order, specifies their data in a phone conversation with the manager, and pays only after receiving the goods. Among nutra advertisers, this format is the most popular.

Trial is a model that is used relatively less often, but is also popular in CPA marketing and native advertising format. The user leaves their data on the site, confirms them by phone, and receives a product sampler. In the future, the buyer can subscribe to the regular receipt of goods. Payment to the partner with this model is charged after the authenticity of the user’s data is confirmed.

Choosing a unique offer

Due to the abundance of nutra offers in the CPA affiliate network, it can be difficult to understand which one to choose and how to promote it. Therefore, first, you need to pay attention to small details and unusual elements of the offer. They can improve the performance of your native campaign and give you a competitive edge.

For example, nutra promotions often focus on the wow ingredients of a product. In addition, the use of useful statistics and numbers in the creative can give a good effect. If you place native materials on authoritative and popular resources, take care of the relevance of the offer to the subject of the site.

When choosing an offer, pay attention to several important factors: the target audience of the product, the popularity of traffic sources, and the cultural, linguistic, and religious characteristics of the region in which you plan to launch an advertising campaign. As a result, your offer should become popular due to its uniqueness, attractiveness, and advantages that your competitors do not have.


The nutra vertical has been one of the most attractive in CPA marketing for several years now. It is predicted that this niche will not lose its relevance in the near future, especially considering that most of the nutra products do not depend on seasonality, but are sold all year round.

With the native format, you can achieve even better performance and profitability. Your task is only to make a thorough analysis before launching any advertising campaign. The data obtained will help you think through and implement a successful strategy.

Written by
Isla Genesis

Isla Genesis is social media manager of The Tech Trend. She did MBA in marketing and leveraging social media. Isla is also a passionate, writing a upcoming book on marketing stats, travel lover and photographer.

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