Growth Strategies

How to Grow Your Direct Sales Business Quickly

direct sales

You have signed up to be a direct sales representative for a company that offers a product or service you are passionate about. It’s not enough to believe in a product to make sales. A marketing plan must be developed that attracts attention to your business.

Good news: Even consultants can be successful. You can create a very profitable business even without a large marketing budget. These are some tips and best practices to help you grow your direct sales business.

How to increase your direct sales business

Most likely, the company you signed up with has resources and training programs to help you launch your business. You can also expect your team leader to share their best practices and ideas. Get a head start in your training to set yourself up for success these tips will help you grow your direct sales business.

1. Establish credibility and expertise in your direct sales channel.

What makes you unique? Differentiation is crucial in a country with thousands of consultants selling the same products and services. Make a list of all the things you care about. that make you unique compared to all the other consultants out there.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What additional value can you add to my clients? Maybe you offer local delivery free of charge or offer a newsletter with tips and tricks for customers.
  • What qualifies me to sell these products more effectively? Take into account your unique qualifications.
  • Are you a professional chef and can you sell kitchen products? Are you a skilled home cook who is willing to share your recipes?
  • Why did I love this business so much? Find out what appeals to your heart. Is the company able to offer all-natural products Are the products well-respected?

These questions will help you to craft your marketing messages and increase social engagement with your audience.

Also read: 8 Hacks Small Businesses Can Use to Grow Your Website and Sales

2. Start a blog to add value for direct sales customers.

If you don’t have one already, start a blog to complement your direct sales business. For details on how to do it, make sure you read the terms and conditions in your consultant agreement. Many companies won’t allow you to use their name in the domain. Choose a domain name that is related to the product, but does not violate your contract.

For effectiveness, The blog should be used as an additional marketing tool. Blog posts should be high-quality and include tips and tricks that will improve the customer experience. You can increase your sales by adding value to your customers.

If you are a direct sales representative for an organic makeup company, your blog topic could be “How to Create Smokey Eyes.” The Benefits of All Natural Makeup” and “How to Pick the Right Color Palettes For Your Face.”

Your blog should show that you are able to understand. You can be the solution, but you must first understand your customers.

3. Social media marketing can be used to promote direct sales businesses.

Direct sales consultants will learn that social media platforms can be used to promote their business.

  • Facebook: Hosting live Facebook Q&A sessions can help you build engagement. To gain insights from your audience and to see where you are at, you can also use Facebook’s business tools. To increase Facebook engagement for your business, post often and consistently, ask questions, and share user-generated material.
  • Instagram: To promote your direct sales business, create an Instagram profile and interact with customers through posts and stories for business. If your company allows it, you can even sell on Instagram.
  • Twitter: Twitter is another great way to promote your company and engage with customers who are interested in your products. Promoted tweets are possible if your company rules and budget allow it. This can boost sales and engagement.

4. Create eye-catching graphics.

Canva is a tool that makes it easy to create a professional graphic designer to look like one. Most likely, your direct sales company will provide approved marketing graphics that you can use. You might need to follow certain guidelines when creating your own graphics.

Canva makes it easy to create eye-catching graphics that complement your website content and blog posts. You can create professional-quality graphics in minutes using a range of image elements available for free and a web-based tool.

5. Create a content marketing plan for your direct sales company.

Content marketing is about providing information to customers without asking them for money. This content can be posted on your website, social media accounts, or blog. To create word-of-mouth marketing campaigns, it is important to make your social content accessible to loyal customers.

Direct sales companies need to be able to market their products and services through content marketing. Many parent companies do not allow paid search advertising.

When developing your content marketing strategy, Don’t share everything you say or write about the sale. Although there is no universal rule, experts suggest following the 5/3:2 rule for social media. This category distribution is for every 10 posts.

  • Curation: Five posts should ideally be curated. This will allow you to use content that is relevant to your audience with permission from other sources.
  • Creation: Your original content should appeal to your audience.
  • Humanization: Two posts should have personal, entertaining content that makes you more human.

Third-party tools can be used to help your direct sales company’s content marketing strategy. These are just two examples.

Scoop. allows you to curate content and build links. Here you can share your content and find content for your readers. Register for a free account and enter keywords that are relevant to your business. Look for pages that have a large following in your niche. Follow these “Scoops” to connect with them on social media. You can suggest your content and the page owner will post it to their page. Your content will be visible to thousands of readers.

Sniply allows you to take content from an influencer in your field and use it for traffic building. Look for content that is similar to the topic you have just written. can be used to create a call-to-action that directs people to your site. You can also share the URL via all your social media channels. For an additional boost, include the source and a relevant hashtag. Then reach out to the influencer to let them know you shared their content.

Also read: Top 14 Referral Marketing Software to Increase Your Sales

What to do with your direct sales business?

Because of their past experiences with pushy consultants, some consumers will put up a wall when you mention direct sales. Avoiding the pitfalls of this industry is crucial.

  • Too many events planned: At least six events or parties should be started right away. Encourage each party to build momentum and give incentives to those who throw a party.
  • Be afraid to ask for a party or an appointment: Many people are willing to help you grow your business. You’ll make some nos into yeses by focusing on service and not sales.
  • Being too sales-oriented: Direct salespeople can be too focused on sales, which can lead to lost prospects. Focus on solutions and helping people, not selling to them.
  • Failure to set goals: It’s difficult to get to success when you don’t know what success means. To give yourself something to strive for, set challenging but achievable goals.
  • Prejudging prospects: Do not make assumptions about Who will be a customer or even an affiliate of a business? Please take the time to explain What you do to all those who are curious.
  • Skipping training: Although it might not feel like another meeting at all, training and development workshops can help you improve your sales pitch and learn about the company, your products, and the opportunity. This knowledge will help you sell more.

What is direct selling? How does it compare with other types of business?

Direct sales is a business that sells products and services outside of a retail setting. Direct sales representatives often work remotely and online. They make connections, host parties, and build a client base.

Direct sales are different from retail sales, where customers walk into stores to inquire about and purchase products. Consumers will generally seek out retail outlets when they have a need. To be able to be trusted and viewed as the go-to person for certain products or services, direct sales representatives need to build credibility.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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