
10 Best Security Awareness Training Platforms For Business

10 Best Security Awareness Training Platforms For Business

Security Awareness Training (SAT) is a key way to protect your company against cyber-attacks. It teaches users how to identify and report suspicious emails and encourages security-conscious behavior.

Today, data breaches and financial losses against an enterprise can be caused by phishing scams, weak passwords, and compromised accounts. Security awareness platforms offer online portals that allow end users to access training materials on cybersecurity issues.

Administrators can also create security awareness training campaigns with interactive quizzes or tests. This allows users to learn and engage with the material. Simulated phishing campaigns are also offered by many security awareness training platforms. These tests assess how well users can detect phishing attacks. Outlook plugins are also available from some vendors, which allow users directly to report suspected attacks to IT teams via their email inboxes.

A good security awareness platform should provide IT teams with data and analytics that show which users are most at risk of data breaches. It also provides admins with the tools they need to assist the users who most need it.

Businesses of all sizes should have security awareness training as a key component of their cybersecurity strategy. Here’s a list of top security awareness training options to help you choose the right one for your company. We will discuss the quality and customization of the training materials, as well as the data they provide, and what their customers have to say about them.

What is Security Awareness Training?

Security awareness training is an educational program that is given to employees of a company to help them understand current cybersecurity issues and security hygiene. It also teaches them how to avoid the potential dangers encountered when surfing the internet. It aims to inform users about the steps they can take in order to protect themselves and the company network is trained to think independently and critically when they are faced with real cybersecurity problems.

1. ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training

ESET is a cybersecurity provider. They support users’ cyber safety efforts by encouraging safe and secure technology use through innovative, multilayered internet protection solutions. ESET’s cybersecurity awareness program uses gamification methods, which are supported by behavioral science. This allows users to be engaged and causes real behavioral change. The program is modular-based and provides easy-to-understand security training. The modules cover a wide range of security topics, and they are frequently updated to keep all the advice current. ESET assists consumers and businesses in more than 200 countries and territories to combat cyber threats.

ESET’s online course is less than 90 minutes long and keeps users engaged with interactive sessions, role-playing, and gamified quizzes. The cybersecurity awareness training covers topics such as threat overviews, password safety, and email protection. You can view the progress of your training initiative, view individual learners’ status in real-time, and generate custom reports using the user-friendly admin dashboard. It also includes a phishing simulator platform with many pre-built email templates that can be customized and a plugin for Office 365, which allows users to report suspicious emails.

ESET cybersecurity awareness training can be a valuable tool that helps organizations stay ahead of the ever-changing threat of cyberattacks. It minimizes the risk of human error as an entry point for hackers and ensures compliance requirements are met. Even for people with no IT training, the dashboard is easy to use and allows users to easily onboard and deploy the service. This is especially true for Office 365 users who have Azure AD integration. Businesses of all sizes would benefit from this solution. It provides comprehensive and easy-to-use security awareness training, which helps to support regulatory compliance and high-quality phishing simulators.

Also read: Top 10 Cybersecurity Training Options

2. Hook PsySec Security Awareness Training

Hook Security offers innovative and effective security awareness training to organizations that want to teach their employees how to identify and respond to cyber threats. Hook Security’s PsySec Security Awareness Training provides engaging content that trains the brain to detect and respond to threats. Hook Security’s content is based on humor and repetition. Hook’s PsySec features advanced phishing simulators and admin reporting. These tools help businesses transform employees into a strong line of defense against cyberattacks.

Two programs make up PsySec’s training content. PsySec Essentials is a program that employees must be able to understand. It covers broad topics such as phishing and password security. PsySec Deep Dive, which are delivered monthly, takes complex topics and makes them more accessible using real-life scenarios. Each month, employees receive a monthly single-video course that focuses on a single topic in security.

Employers can also use PsySec to assess their employees’ ability to learn by using real-life, customized phishing simulations. Employees who respond incorrectly to the simulation are redirected to a landing site that informs them about their mistakes and offers tips for how to respond in the future. PsySec can generate reports from simulation results. This allows admins to identify employees who need further training and to track their organization’s progress over time. These API reports can be integrated with existing dashboards and SOCs.

PsySec’s strong automation in simulation and reporting makes it extremely user-friendly. Designed to comply with NIST and CMMC compliance standards. It does everything that an awareness platform should do, but it also creates materials that are truly engaging for its users. Hook Security’s PsySec is a solid platform for both SMB as well as enterprises and companies that want their employees to become cyber heroes.

3. Phished

Phished is a cybersecurity awareness platform that empowers users to recognize and confidently report spear-phishing attacks. Phished Academy training content is combined with powerful AI-driven phishing simulators. This platform provides point-in-time learning that prepares users to deal with threats like CEO fraud, SMiShing, and phishing. Phished provides robust reporting tools to give administrators insight into the security status of their workforce. Over 1,000 organizations around the world trust Phished to make their employees a human firewall.

Administrators can manage phishing campaigns easily via the intuitive dashboard. They can create phishing emails, choose a template from the library or schedule automated simulation campaigns. The automated campaigns are scheduled and run as planned. They send customized simulations to users based on their responses to previous simulations. You can report simulations by clicking the “Report Phishing” button in your email client.

Users who report an attempted phishing attack correctly are notified and congratulated. Phished will immediately provide relevant training to the user if they click a link or enter credentials on a fake website that phishes. The reporting section of the management dashboard allows you to view all simulation response data, including details about who responded correctly, who opened a link, or who entered credentials.

Phished is simple to set up and deploy. Users can be manually onboarded via.csv or Active Directory integration. Phished’s powerful automation reduces the amount of human overhead needed to run phishing campaigns. Customers also love its reporting functionality which allows admins to quickly and efficiently administer training. Organizations looking to provide customized phishing simulations for their employees through an intuitive interface and gain key metrics about security status across their organization should consider Phished.

4. SafeTitan

TitanHQ is a global leader in network security. SafeTitan is their contribution to security awareness training. It combines gamification and relevant SAT material with subsequent phishing simulations to test your knowledge. With strong customization capabilities, you can tailor simulations to fit your business. There are many phishing templates available. Integrating with Microsoft-based software such as Outlook 365, Teams, Azure AD, ADFS SSO, G Suite is easy and seamless.

SafeTitan is aware that overloading end-users will make it difficult for information to stick. The training videos are short and concise, lasting between eight and ten minutes. They also feature engaging, entertaining videos that are both memorable as well as informative. End-users don’t have to be overwhelmed with information and lose productivity because the videos are short.

After the user completes the training, phishing simulations can be immediately deployed. Administrators have access to high levels reporting. They can get detailed insights into the performance of users on phishing simulators throughout the company. This allows admins to see who is in need of extra training.

SafeTitan is recommended to all organizations, regardless of size, that is looking to increase their human layer security. Pricing is supplied via a quotation request.


IRONSCALES is the fastest-growing cloud-based security company in the industry. The company’s solution offers businesses a unique combination of technology that can stop advanced email attacks and integrated Security Awareness Training (SAT), as well as Phishing Simulation Testing functionality. This solution is easy to add to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. It does not require any configuration changes, and you will never lose email delivery.

The technology side of the platform employs AI to detect and correct advanced phishing attacks such as account takeovers, BEC, VIP Impersonations, and account takeovers.

For security awareness training, The platform uses AI self-learning to assist admins in creating SAT campaigns that have the right video content and tests for particular users. The system can suggest training content for users that have been victims of vendor impersonation attacks, such as if they are VIPs or a specific department.

It also includes Phishing Simulation Testing. This uses the same information to create phishing simulators that are modeled on millions of real-world examples IRONSCALES analyzes every day. Users can click on phishing emails to be taken to a landing page that offers suggestions for how to prevent being phished again. Employees can click on the IRONSCALES Report Phishing button in their email client to have the email automatically checked by IRONSCALES. The email will then be reviewed by their IT/Security teams.

IRONSCALES offers a variety of reporting options that allow admins to track user progress and monitor how security training is going.

IRONSCALES is a powerful anti-phishing and security awareness solution, is something we recommend to companies looking for a single, unified solution that provides strong protection against phishing attacks as well as user training.

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6. Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

Proofpoint is one of the most trusted email security vendors in the world which protects more than 100,000,000 email accounts around the globe. Proofpoint purchased Wombat Security in 2018, which is now known as Proofpoint Security Awareness Training. This service provides personalized security awareness training based on Proofpoint’s industry-leading threat intelligence. Proofpoint offers interactive training, videos, materials, analysis, and reporting on phishing emails, as well as simulated threat campaigns and videos. This platform is supported by Proofpoint from multiple countries.

Proofpoint’s training materials have a lot of popularity. You can access a wide range of training materials, including videos, posters, images, articles, and modules. These are designed to encourage security behavior and help you spot signs of account compromise and phishing. Proofpoint’s training materials can be downloaded in 35 languages. Each module takes around 15 minutes. You can customize your training materials and they are made available upon request.

Proofpoint also offers threat simulation, which helps you test your users’ ability to spot malicious emails. It can also help you target awareness training for the right people in your organization. Proofpoint offers over 700 different phishing template options to test malicious email attachments and embedded links. Proofpoint Security Awareness Training is now available in Proofpoint Essentials. This email security package includes Proofpoint’s top email gateway, encryption, and security awareness training. It is a powerful solution for organizations that need awareness training along with email security.

7. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is the market leader for security awareness training. They offer a variety of free and paid-for training tools as well as simulated phishing campaigns. Their security awareness training solutions have been used by over 30,000 customers worldwide. They have a large library of security awareness training content including videos, quizzes, and presentations. A comprehensive phishing simulator platform is also available, which allows organizations to create customized templates and campaigns. KnowBe4 offers awareness training campaigns to admins and managers.

KnowBe4 is a security awareness training organization that is growing rapidly and has the highest customer growth. Their platform has a variety of tools that help companies test their employees’ security awareness. This has allowed them to reach both small and large enterprises. They have over 1000 training materials, including interactive modules, videos and games, posters, newsletters, and other training materials.

KnowBe4 can also provide insights and reporting to help you track the success of your security awareness training campaigns. You can choose from a variety of reports and even generate training reports for certain users or groups to help organizations ensure their most vulnerable users engage with awareness training materials and simulated Phishing campaigns. The KnowBe4 platform offers a comprehensive solution for organizations that want to create a security awareness training platform.

8. Infosec IQ

Infosec IQ awareness training offers security awareness training designed to motivate and educate employees to be more secure. Infosec is well-known among IT professionals for its IT security boot camps and training courses. Infosec IQ, their security awareness platform, offers training, phishing simulation campaigns, and remote working training to protect your employees against social engineering attacks and other risky behavior.

InfosecIQ offers more than 700 training courses. These include interactive training modules and microlearning videos. Assessments, posters, infographics, and campaign kits. The content library is large and can be tailored to a variety of audiences, as well as different levels of security knowledge within the company. Infosec allows you to simulate phishing attacks with a variety of templates and resources that can be customized to test your employees.

Infosec lets you measure compliance of your organization with awareness training and the overall “phish rate” with automated campaign reports. You can also use assessments and assessments to target training in areas where security breaches might occur. Infosec is a rapidly growing vendor of security awareness training, with a growing range of courses aimed at small and medium-sized businesses.

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9. Cofense

Cofense PhishMe is an awareness training platform that aims to inform your users about the threats facing your company. PhishMe focuses on phishing simulation. It helps users spot phishing attacks in their email environment, and IT teams identify who is at risk of a data breach. They offer customizable phishing templates and provide educational materials for users who are at risk of being phished.

Cofense provides a variety of pre-prepared phishing situations, which can include landing pages or malicious attachments. These scenarios can also be customized. Cofense makes it easy to set up campaigns. Machine learning is used to suggest phishing scenarios based on industry trends and common attacks. Users will only be notified of simulated phishing emails via their Responsive Delivery feature when they are the most active in their mailbox.

Cofense Security Awareness LMS is a full security awareness platform: Cofense provides a variety of training materials in short modules. The admin has visibility into which employees are using the learning materials. Cofense is also well-known for its threat detection platform, Cofense Triage or Cofense Reporter. Triage embeds a “Report Phish” button directly into the user’s email inboxes. This allows them to report suspicious emails to IT administrators. Triage is an email management tool that automates email analysis and helps administrators manage these reports. This allows IT teams to detect phishing emails in their email environment more easily.

10. Barracuda PhishLine

Barracuda has hundreds of templates for simulation, including landing pages, risk assessment surveys, and training content. Barracuda’s threat-detection platform regularly adds new simulation and training content. Barracuda has a built-in’reportphish’ button that allows users to report suspicious emails to IT administrators. Training materials are updated regularly to keep them relevant. There are many training materials to choose from.

Barracuda gives you valuable insights into which employees are at risk of data breaches and therefore require additional security training. These data can be used to quantify your users’ risk and assign likelihood scores. This will allow you to deliver awareness training to those employees and teams who need it the most. Barracuda offers gamified awareness training with leaderboards, user-leveling systems, and a system that encourages users to report and spot threats.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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