Quality assurance is one of the most critical aspects of software creation. Quality assurance in software development means identifying and maintaining set requirements to develop high-quality, reliable products. You need to establish a standard for your company to have credibility, enhance consumer confidence in your products and have a lasting competitive advantage.
A sound software quality assurance system includes all software development processes from start to finish, including testing and coding. Software quality assurance may consist of external standards such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or it could include internal standards. The following are a few things you should know about quality assurance in software development:
Quality Assurance Is Different From Quality Control
A common mistake many make is confusing quality assurance with quality control or thinking they mean the same thing. However, quality control is quite different from quality assurance. Quality assurance is all about prevention, while quality control is about correction.
Everyone involved in the software development process is involved in quality assurance. On the other hand, only a specific team will conduct quality control activities. Quality control is part of quality assurance, and software testing is part of quality control.
Also read: How To Check For Your Software’s Scalability Testing
How QA Teams Determine Software Quality
In quality assurance, a defect is any software component that does not adhere to the client’s instructions and needs. Blemishes lead to design errors which may cause a client to refuse the software. Managing these defects ensures the software has no errors and meets the client’s requirements.
QA teams will also use a quality attributes approach that ensures software has various attributes such as functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. If the software has the above characteristics, the product passes the quality assurance test.
Good SQA Systems Are Flexible
It may seem that software quality assurance is about meeting standards set in stone. However, sound software quality assurance systems must be flexible, meaning they should be able to adapt to change.
Therefore, the QA system must include processes that allow the system to deal with changes that will occur during any software development project. The system should allow room to evaluate any changes and measure their effect on the project. QA teams will use software quality metrics to measure the impact of the changes, which will help them take corrective action.
Also read: The What and Why of Project Quality Control Management
Software QA Will Include Checkpoints and Audits
A well-designed software quality assurance process will include a series of checkpoints and audits which act as tests during the project’s progress. They will check the work against set standards and the scope of work to ensure the project remains on track.
The checks and audits will ensure the development of high-quality software even when developers must make changes. Regression testing is part of quality assurance, which software developers use to ensure their application works appropriately after a code change. Regression testing tools are often used when various checkpoints are reached, and audits are done.
Testing can be done manually or automatically. There should be set checkpoints where audits are done, but random ‘spot checks’ are also crucial for software quality assurance.
Record-Keeping Is Paramount
The final thing you should know about software quality assurance is that record-keeping is one of the most critical elements of the process. Managing a quality assurance process is all about data hence acquiring and storing records and reports ensures the accuracy of the process.
Software QA teams should update documents for storage and distribution to relevant stakeholders as often as possible. Such records include review reports, test results, and audit results.
Software quality assurance is a vital part of the software development process. The above list includes five crucial things you should know about software quality assurance. However, there is much more to learn. Every company should invest in its quality assurance processes to develop fantastic digital products.
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