Growth Strategies

Content Moderation: What It Is, Types and Tools

Content Moderation

User-generated content is a major influencer in the digital space. We can all see an inordinate amount of text, images, and videos being shared on social media and other websites. Businesses and brands cannot keep track of all the content shared online by users on multiple social media platforms, forums, websites, or other online platforms.

To maintain a trustworthy and safe environment, it is important to keep track of social influences on brand perceptions and adhere to official regulations. Content moderation is a process that screens, monitors, labels, and labels user-generated content according to platform-specific rules. It can help achieve safe and healthy online environments.

Online opinions of individuals published on forums and social media channels have been a significant source for assessing the credibility of institutions, businesses, commercial ventures, polls, political agendas, and other entities.

What is Content Moderation?

The content moderation process involves screening users’ posts for inappropriate text, images, or videos that are in any way related to the platform or have been restricted by the forum, or the law. As part of this process, a set of rules are used to monitor the content. Every piece of content not in compliance with these guidelines is checked twice to ensure that it is legal and appropriate for publication on the site/platform. If user-generated content is not compatible with the site’s publishing or posting, It is flagged and removed from the forum.

There are many reasons people might be violent, offensive, extremist, or nudist speech may be spread and violate copyrights. This content moderation program helps ensure that users feel safe and secure while using the platform. It also promotes trust in businesses by promoting their credibility. Content moderation is used to protect content on platforms such as social media and dating apps, websites, marketplaces, and forums.

Why is Content Moderation Important?

Because of the volume of content being created every second, user-generated content platforms have difficulty keeping up with offensive and inappropriate text, images, or videos. It is essential to ensure your website meets your standards, protects clients, and preserves your reputation via content moderation.

Digital assets such as business websites, social media, forums, and other online platforms need to be carefully scrutinized. The content uploaded thereon must be in compliance with media standards and other platforms. Any violation must the content must be accurately moderated, flagged, and removed from the website. Content moderation here serves the purpose – It can be summarized as an intelligent data management process that allows platforms not to contain any inappropriate content. This refers to content that is inappropriate, explicit, or not suitable for online publishing.

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Content Moderation Types

There are different types of content moderation depending on the type of user-generated material posted to the sites and the details of the user base. The platform where the content was posted, and the sensitivity of the content.

The intent behind the content and how it was created are important factors in determining content moderation practices. There are many ways to moderate the content. These are five important content moderation methods that have been used for a long time.

1 Automatic Moderation

Today’s moderating process can be radically simplified, facilitated, and accelerated by technology. Artificial intelligence algorithms analyze text and visuals in fractions of the time that it would take humans to do. They don’t experience psychological trauma as they aren’t exposed to inappropriate content.

Automated moderation can screen text for potentially harmful keywords. Advanced systems can detect patterns in conversation and analyze relationships.

AI-powered image annotation, and recognition tools such as Imagga, offer a viable solution to monitor images, videos, live streams, and live streaming. These solutions can be used to control sensitive imagery at various levels.

Tech-powered moderation can be more precise and useful, but it does not eliminate the need to manually review content, especially when appropriateness is the real concern. Automated moderation still uses technology and human moderation.

2 Pre-Moderation

This method of content moderation is the most thorough, as every piece is checked before it is published. First, the text, image, or video content to be published online will be sent to the review queue to analyze it for suitability for online posting. Only after moderation is completed, content that has been approved by the moderator will go live.

This is the best way to block harmful content. However, it is not fast enough to be used in the online world. Platforms that require strict content compliance measures can implement the pre-moderation method to fix the content platforms for children are a good example of this. They place the safety of users first.

3 Post-Moderation

Post-moderation is generally used to screen content. Posts can be made at any time the user wants. They are then held for moderation before being published. To ensure safety for all users, items are removed when they are flagged as being unsafe.

These platforms are designed to speed up the review process and reduce the time it takes for inappropriate content to remain online. Many digital businesses today prefer post-moderation, even though it’s less secure than pre-moderation.

4 Reactive Moderation

Reactive moderation requires users to flag inappropriate content. They think it is inappropriate or violates the terms of service of your platform. It may be an option depending on the circumstances.

Reactive moderation is best used either in combination with post-moderation or as a stand-alone method to maximize results. This gives you a double safety net as users can flag content after it passes the entire moderation process.

5 Shared Moderation

Online communities are completely responsible for reviewing and removing content in this type of moderation. Users rate content based on their conformance to platform guidelines. This method is rarely used by brands due to its reputational and legal risk.

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How Content Modification Tools Work to Label Content

The first step to using content moderation on your platform is to establish clear guidelines regarding inappropriate content. This will allow content moderators to identify the content that needs to be removed. Any text e.g. social media posts, user comments, customer reviews on a page for a company, etc. is marked with labels.

Other than the type of content to be moderated, The moderation limit was checked, flagged, and deleted. must be determined based on the level of sensitivity and impact of the content. You should also check part of the content that is more inappropriateness. This requires more attention and work during content moderation.

Moderated Content Types

There are four types of digital content: text, images, and audio. Moderation requirements dictate which categories are to be used.

1. Text

The text is the core of digital content. It is everywhere and it accompanies every visual content. All platforms that allow user-generated content to be moderated should have this privilege. The majority of text-based content found on digital platforms is composed

  • Blogs, articles, and similar types of long posts
  • Social media discussions
  • Comments/feedbacks/product reviews/complaints
  • Postings on job boards
  • Forum posts

It can be difficult to moderate user-generated content. It can be difficult to pick an offensive text and determine its sensitivity in terms of abuse, vulgarity, and any other unacceptable nature. This requires a thorough understanding of content moderation, in accordance with platform-specific rules, regulations, and the law.

2. Images

Moderating visual content isn’t as difficult as moderating text. However, you need to have clear guidelines and thresholds in order to avoid making mistakes. Before you can moderate images, it is important to consider cultural differences and sensitivities. You must understand your users’ cultural backgrounds and individual characters.

Visual content-based platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, Facebook, are well aware of the complexities surrounding the image review process, especially for large images. As a result, there is a significant risk involved with the job of content moderators when It is exposed to disturbing visuals.

3. Video

Video is one of the most difficult content types to manage today. While removing a single disturbing video may not be sufficient to delete the entire file, it is important that the whole file be screened. Video content moderation works in the same way as image content moderation, It is done frame by frame. It is too difficult to count the frames in large videos.

When there are subtitles or titles inside video content, moderation can become complicated. Before proceeding with moderation of video content, Before proceeding with the moderation of video content, You must verify the complexity of moderation by looking at the video to determine if any subtitles or titles were included.

Also read: How Does Blockchain Technology Empower Digital Content for Creators?

Content moderator roles & responsibilities

Article moderators look at a variety of articles, whether they are textual or visually. They then mark any items that do not comply with the platform’s guidelines. Unfortunately, This means that each item must be manually reviewed, assessed for its suitability, and carefully reviewed. If automated pre-screening is not used, this can be dangerous and slow.

Manual content moderation is an inconvenience that can’t be avoided today. Moderators’ mental well-being and psychological health are at risk. Modifications are made based on the level of sensitivity to any content that is disturbing, violent, explicit, or unacceptable.

Multifaceted content moderation solutions have made it easier to identify the most difficult part of content moderating. Many content moderation companies are capable of handling any kind of digital content.

Content Moderation Solutions

The potential for AI-based content moderation tools to be used by businesses that heavily rely on user-generated content is immense. Moderation tools can be integrated with the automated system to identify unacceptable content and further process it with appropriate labels. Human review is still required in many cases, but technology provides safe and effective ways to speed content moderation and make it easier for moderators.

Hybrid models can optimize moderation processes and make them more efficient. Modern moderation tools have made it easier for professionals to identify unacceptable content and then moderate it according to legal and platform-centric requirements. A content moderation expert who is industry-specific in their expertise is key to achieving accuracy and prompt completion of moderation work.

Final thoughts

You can instruct human moderators on what content to remove as inappropriate. AI platforms can also perform exact content moderation automatically using data from AI platforms. Sometimes, manual and automated content moderations can be combined to produce faster and more effective results. Cogito, Analytics, and others can offer their content moderation expertise to help you set up your online image.

Written by
Delbert David

Delbert David is the editor in chief of The Tech Trend. He accepts all the challenges in the content reading and editing. Delbert is deeply interested in the moral ramifications of new technologies and believes in leveraging content marketing.

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