Growth Strategies

IT Outstaffing Services in a Nutshell

IT Outstaffing Services

Hiring software developers is a long and complicated process, and companies might need to spend a few months on hiring new developers for their IT team and the additional few months to train them. IT outstaffing services are the companies that make things easier for you to hire new developers for your team without having to deal with all the hassles of the hiring process. Here are the IT outstaffing services in a nutshell:

Understanding IT Outstaffing Services

What is outstaffing? Outstaffing means hiring remote workers for your company to work on your projects without making them your employees.

An IT outstaffing service is a company that provides remote workers for companies that need additional human resources for their IT-related projects. For instance, if you are developing an app for the mobile platforms, and you need additional app developers with certain programming skills, such as Flutter or React development skills, you can request additional app developers from an IT outstaffing service provider to be included in your current development team.

The IT outstaffing service will give you additional app developers according to your request, with the qualifications and rate per hour that follow your preferences. Most remote workers from IT outstaffing services will come from countries with lower development costs, such as Asian and Eastern European countries.

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Outstaffing vs. Outsourcing

What is the difference between software outsourcing and outstaffing? When you outsource your development project, you will let the outsourcing company do all the work. You just need to let the outsourcing company know about the general guidelines of the project and the specifications of the software you want to develop. Then, the outsourcing companies will handle all the nitty-gritty of the projects, and you will not get involved in the project development process.

However, when you use the outstaffing model, it means that you are requesting additional human resources to work together with you in your current development project. You will still be in charge of the project, but you will get some additional developers to help you work on your project until completion. So, it’s like hiring additional staff members, but without making them the employees of your companies.

Advantages of IT Outstaffing Services

IT outstaffing services provide various advantages for your IT company, such as making it easier for you to find additional software developers with various skill qualifications and rates per hour. Also, with IT outstaffing services, you can expand your team of developers and get your development completed faster than the scheduled completion date if you want to. With the lower rates per hour that they offer, IT outstaffing services can also help manage your project development budget while keeping an outstanding result for your project.

IT outstaffing services will give you access to various types of software developers, whether you are developing a mobile app, web application, PC software, or any other type of software development project. You can rely on IT outstaffing services to provide you with the human resources that you need to complete your projects.

Disadvantages of IT Outstaffing Services

Aside from the advantages, you can also get some disadvantages when working with the additional developers from the IT outstaffing services. First, you will need to educate the extra members of your team to follow the project guidelines you have set in your software development.

Second, you will also need to deal with the language barriers sometimes, as many of the outstaffing members will come from countries that don’t speak English as their native language. And third, you will also need to deal with quality problems because the lower rates they offer for the software developers might also mean lower quality for their work.

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You will need to deal with these disadvantages, even more so if it is the first time you are using the services from an IT outstaffing company. It’s important for you to have a second plan when you experience any of these disadvantages.

Conclusion – Should You Use the IT Outstaffing Service?

It will depend on your current development project. You can use the IT outstaffing service if you have an urgent need for additional developers in your team.

IT outstaffing services can help you with adding more developers to your team according to your needs and qualifications. For instance, you can choose the developers with certain programming skills, certain price ranges, certain countries of origin, and so on. It can help you get the project done even better and faster.

Written by
Aiden Nathan

Aiden Nathan is vice growth manager of The Tech Trend. He is passionate about the applying cutting edge technology to operate the built environment more sustainably.

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