Growth Strategies

10 Best Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence for Business

Emotional Intelligence

Many people believe intelligence is all that matters when it comes to assessing the quality of someone or determining their success. You’ve likely met someone smart and successful but who can be difficult to get along with. Maybe they are demanding or negative. They might not listen and blame others for their problems. These people are smarter than most, but they lack emotional intelligence.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Anyone who follows Napoleon Hill will know that controlling thoughts is essential to success in business and life. However, controlling thoughts often starts with managing emotions and feelings. This is what emotional intelligence is all about.

The term “emotional quotient” (EQ) was first used in the 1980s. However, the concept was further explored by Peter Salavoy, John Mayer, and their research in the early 1990s. The term Emotional intelligence (EI) was used to describe “a set of skills hypothesized that contribute to the accurate evaluation and expression of emotions in oneself, in others, and the effective regulation and use of emotion in other people, as well as the use of feelings for motivating, planning, and achieving in one’s own life.” Daniel Goleman later popularized the term in his book Emotional intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ.

in essence, Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand your emotions as well as those of others and to manage them in a productive and healthy way.

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People with good emotional intelligence and

  • Self-aware: They are able to recognize their emotions and can manage them better.
  • Self-Regulation: People can take a few moments to think about their feelings instead of reacting impulsively.
  • Motivated: They are motivated to achieve short- and long-term goals.
  • Empathy: They can recognize the feelings and perspectives of others without judgment, making them a good choice for leading and working with others.
  • Socially adept: They are friendly and approachable, and they tend to be team players.
  • Resilient: They are resilient. They understand that life has ups and downs and that they can overcome the downs. They are determined to overcome any obstacles that stand in their way of achieving their goals.

To have emotional intelligence, you need to learn how to:

  • Recognize the emotions of others and yourself: What are your feelings? What is the feeling of others? Understanding emotional cues are key to understanding others’ emotions.
  • Understanding your emotions is key: What are you feeling?
  • Assess your emotions: Is emotional intelligence appropriate?
  • React to your Emotions: What can you do to work with your emotions in order to achieve a positive outcome?

Emotional intelligence doesn’t mean trying to ignore or suppress negative emotions. Instead, it is about understanding and managing them in a way that’s helpful for you. You can feel angry at someone leaving a negative review or asking for a refund. But ranting and raving will only make you feel worse. Your business will be hurt if you respond by attacking the customer or reviewer.

You can instead stop and evaluate the suitability of the return or review. Perhaps there is a problem that you can fix, or you just need to accept the fact that not everyone can be happy and move on with the next sale.

What is the Importance of Emotional Intelligence in A Home Business?

The emotional rollercoaster ride of running a home-based business involves many twists and turns, highs and lows, and sometimes loop-dee-loops. You’ll end up a complete mess if you don’t have good emotional management. Many people who fail to succeed in a home-based business struggle with managing negative emotions. They use failure to justify quitting.

Your emotions can have a huge impact on your home business.

  • How do you feel about your business? You’ll feel great when you have success. But if you have failures, disappointments, or frustration, you will likely feel discouraged and even consider quitting.
  • Behave. Feeling depressed can make it difficult to work which can have an impact on your productivity.
  • Treat others with respect. Frustration and anger can turn on others even when they aren’t involved.

When is Emotional Intelligence Used in Your Business?

Although emotions can seem neutral at times, they are constantly present in your life. However, When emotions can become extreme and impact how you behave or treat others, then you need emotional intelligence.

This applies even if you have:

  • Failures, setbacks, and frustrations
  • Tight deadlines
  • Receive negative feedback or critique
  • Customers or clients with difficult needs
  • Unforeseen changes
  • Resources are limited, such as low cash flow and a large bill

When you feel confident and successful, it is generally a sign of success. You’ll be productive so it’s not possible to think that positive emotions could slow you down. If you feel so confident you want to bask in your success, there are chances that you will have problems. Regular, consistent effort is the key to success in a home-based business. You can’t rely on momentum to get you through a day, but you can’t rely on it forever if you are sick or on vacation. Even if you feel good, it is important to ensure that those emotions don’t lead you to lose your mind.

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How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Although there is much debate about the role of nurture and nature in human development, most people have a temperament that influences how they see and behave in the world. Some people react to things while others are more relaxed. Some people see the glass as half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty and feel blessed to have it.

Don’t be discouraged if your emotional reactions to problems tend to be negative. There are ways to improve your emotional intelligence. These are 10 ways you can increase your emotional intelligence.

  1. Be self-aware: Recognize your emotions. This involves paying attention to your physical cues, which often have an emotional basis such as lethargy when you’re depressed or tension when stressed.
  2. Respond don’t react: This is the most difficult part of improving your emotional intelligence. An emotional response is often automatic and a habit. Instead of allowing your impulses to take control, reflect on the situation and make a decision.
  3. Know your triggers: Knowing what causes emotional highs or lows can help you change your behavior. Knowing what causes you to feel defeated after reading a negative review can help you overcome that self-talk. You can also avoid triggers if you can. Don’t read reviews, for example.
  4. Develop empathy: Put yourself in the shoes of others. You will appear self-centered and insensitive if you don’t have empathy.
  5. Learn to be positive: This can be particularly difficult if you are emotionally down. But, focusing on the positive aspects of life and business will make you happier.
  6. Take critique well: Listen and consider what others are saying instead of taking criticisms as personal attacks. Consider whether the comment has merit. Use the comment to improve your product, service, or behavior. If there isn’t, thank you and move along.
  7. Be resilient: Jump back up when you are knocked down in your business. Unmotivated is a person who gives in to their fears, frustrations, and failures. This will prevent you from reaching your full potential in life as well as in business.
  8. Have personal responsibility: It’s not your fault that your company isn’t successful. You need to look for a job. While outside influences can have an impact on your efforts, ultimately your success will be yours. You can accept the consequences of a mistake, rectify it and continue moving towards your goals.
  9. Be an active listener: Listen more than what is being said, But really pay attention, is not limited to the words but also the tone and body language.
  10. Pay attention to how you communicate: Your tone and word choice can have a significant impact on how others respond to you. True leaders are both great listeners and great communicators.

Do not underestimate the power of emotional intelligence to help improve your business. You will have happier, more secure relationships and can better handle the ups and downs in business and life.

Written by
Barrett S

Barrett S is Sr. content manager of The Tech Trend. He is interested in the ways in which tech innovations can and will affect daily life. He loved to read books, magazines and music.

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