Growth Strategies

Top 14 Blogging Tools You Need To Use

Top 10 Blogging Tools You Need To Use

It is our passion to believe that building a blog is all about great writing on interesting topics. But with the blogging community growing each day, there are many other things you can do to make your blog stand out.

Bloggers have many blogging tools to help them make their lives easier. More effective and Google-friendly, but which ones are truly worth it? We have collected our top blogging tools to help you on your way.

These blogging tools are a mix of paid and free, making them ideal for anyone. Those who are just starting to dip for dedicated bloggers who are ready to invest in their blog, or dip their toes in the blogging pool…

Top 14 Blogging Tools You Need To Use

1. Buffer

Buffer can be used to schedule posts on your social media accounts. It’s extremely easy to use, and you can even integrate your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account with LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn if you still use it.

After your blog post has been published, you can promote it by setting up a Buffer sharing schedule. You should schedule your article multiple times to be shared on your social media channels with different headlines and images for each update.

Price: Free & Paid

2. TweetDeck

This is the best Twitter Monitoring tool that is Twitter’s owner, so it will likely remain that way. There are many options. TweetDeck to track different things on the site. Our favorite things to track:

  • Your mentions
  • All your notifications
  • Your home screen
  • You may want to participate in certain hashtags
  • Your favorite bloggers
  • Your blog shares

Price: Free

Also read: 5 Tips for SEO Friendly Blog Posts

3. Canva

Bloggers need images. These images can be used in blog posts, social media posts, and other posts. You can make a quality image viral on Pinterest, which will bring you thousands of people in a short amount of time. Blog posts with images are proven to receive more visitors, Keep your readers coming back to your site longer, and increase the number you share with others so that they can’t be ignored. You can make infographics. You can use featured images or a handful of visuals in your posts. Canva is your best image editing tool to do this.

Canva’s greatest asset is its ability to create beautiful designs. It comes with templates that allow you to customize your graphics for each social media platform. The Pinterest template is a great option if you want your image to be easy to pin by your readers. Perhaps you just want something people can tweet. Then, you’d choose the Twitter template.

Price: Free & Paid

4. Evernote

Evernote is The king of note-taking software. It can be used in its most basic form, or it can capture images, text, voice notes, and Web pages. Evernote is accessible from almost anywhere, including a computer, tablet, or mobile device. This means that your notes will never be lost.

Evernote’s tagging system is extremely robust. You can use a simple tag to keep your ideas organized in many different ways, such as by topic, idea stage, and others. You can search through your entire Evernote collection (including text within images) and find what you are looking for in seconds.

Price: Free & Paid

5. Thrive Leads

Email communication is the best way for you to reach your audience. Your readers are more likely to see your email than a tweet or a post on Facebook, so it is crucial that you begin collecting email addresses as soon as possible.

Thrive leads provides a complete solution to creating forms on your blog in order to collect email subscribers. You can create seamless messaging for your brand and increase your audience with a simple ribbon at the top of the website or full-screen lightboxes.

Another consideration is If you are looking to be a professional blogger or sell products and services, an email list will give you the best return on your investment.

Price: Paid

6. MailChimp

Now that you have Thrive Leads as your email platform, it is time to send beautiful emails to your new subscribers. MailChimp is a simple-to-use platform that allows you to create and send emails to your growing list. The $10 per month subscription gives you unlimited potential.

You can set up a welcome sequence to introduce your new subscribers both to you and to your blog. Additionally, you can set up an RSS to email campaign so that your subscribers are automatically emailed the latest blog post when it goes live.

MailChimp offers many features, including the ability to automatically send the email at the correct time for your subscribers or a drag-and-drop editor (or the HTML editor if you are a more experienced coder).

Price: Free & Paid

7. Trello

Trello is a project management tool that focuses on improving your workflow. It is perfect for creating an editorial calendar for your blog.

You can assign tasks, create due dates, add team members, and manage almost all aspects of your blogging process. There are many project management tools available, but Trello works best for bloggers. It’s simple and doesn’t contain too much clutter.

Price: Free

8. Google Keyword Planner

How can you turn your brilliant idea into a blog post that people will find easily? Look for keywords that are popular! A blog post that targets a specific keyword is the best way for you to increase your organic traffic via Google.

Google’s Keyword Planner allows you to enter a set of keywords and Google will return results based on search volume, popularity, as well as any related keywords that may spark an idea.

Price: Free

9. Buzzsumo

Now you have chosen your keywords from the Google Keyword Planner. You now need to create blog titles and topics that are focused on these keywords. Buzzsumo is here to help.

Buzzsumo allows you to find blogs that have been shared a lot on social media. Simply search for your keyword to get a list of the most popular blog posts that are related to it. To get more views, you can make better versions of the most popular content.

Price: Free & Paid

Also read: 10 Tips To Improve Blog Security

10. Grammarly

To see how Grammarly’s online Grammar Checker performs against spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation, simply copy the article and paste it into Grammarly. You can see the initial score for free. Their paid plans include the details of what to modify (as well as suggestions from Grammarly). This tool is a great help for those who can’t afford a proofreader but still want to be certain that their blog posts are sound.

Price: Free & Paid

11. Yoast SEO

Yoast is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress and for good reason – It’s your one-stop-shop for all of your onsite SEO needs.

You can use Google Keyword Planner to find your keyword. The plugin will help you navigate through the elements necessary to ensure your post ranks for that keyword as often as possible. You can edit the meta descriptions and title tags as well as count the keywords mentioned in your article.

If you are new to SEO or WordPress, some settings might seem complicated. However, Yoast has created a complete tutorial to help you set everything up.

Price: Free

12. Google Analytics

This should technically be number one. If you have a website, you must have Google Analytics installed from the beginning. As you build your blog, it will become very valuable.

Google Analytics (often abbreviated to GA) offers so many lessons.

  • The most popular articles
  • The most visited country
  • Days with the highest traffic
  • Sign up with the best-converting page
  • Google is where your traffic comes from Facebook. Etc.)
  • No matter if your visitors use tablets, desktops, or mobiles, you can track their location.

To learn more about your visitors’ interests, you can also get demographic data from them. These are just a few of the many possibilities – you’ll find more if you dig deeper.

Google Analytics will help you determine what pages work best and where you should focus your efforts. If your readers enjoy a certain theme of posts, you can ensure that you publish more of it. You can drive more traffic to a page that converts better than others if it is an email sign-up page.

Price: Free

13. Gleam

Giveaways are loved by everyone. They can be a great way of growing your audience and treating them well. Gleam makes it easy to embed giveaway forms. There are many entry methods, including signing up for a newsletter, following us on Twitter, and referring friends.

Gleam has an underused strategy: Partner with other bloggers to embed the giveaway on their blogs. This will increase the giveaway’s reach and give more exposure to each participant. As it promotes its brand, brands are more than happy to give prizes out to bloggers. So why not ask them?

Price: Free & Paid

14. Sumo

“A blogger’s dream” is most likely one way to describe Sumo: There is so much power in the free Sumo version!

This plugin can do:

  • Social sharing buttons
  • Forms for building an email list
  • Heatmaps
  • Contact forms
  • Images can be shared via social media
  • There are many other options.

You can customize the social sharing buttons for different audiences. If someone is using their mobile, you might include a Whatsapp sharing button. Or based on their origin, such as if they arrived at Pinterest. Make sure that the Pinterest share button is prominent. Visit their website to see the complete suite of features available and how you can make use of them.

Price: Free & Paid

Written by
Zoey Riley

Zoey Riley is editor of The Tech Trend. She is passionate about the potential of the technology trend and focusing her energy on crafting technical experiences that are simple, intuitive, and stunning.  When get free she spend her time in gym, travelling and photography.

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